Fremdsprachige & Mundartgedichte
Erkunde die faszinierende Welt der Sprache in unserer Kategorie Fremdsprachige & Mundartgedichte.
Lass dich von kreativen Ausdrucksformen inspirieren, teile poetische Werke in Dialekten oder anderen* Sprachen und entdecke die Vielfalt der Poesie in all ihren Facetten.
*Für Gedichte in Fremdsprachen (außer Englisch) sollte stets eine Übersetzung beigefügt werden.
467 Themen in dieser Kategorie
feedback jeder art Starting Poems
| erstellt von Donna- 1 Follower
- 1 Kommentar
- 121 Aufrufe
In the most inopportune times, poems like to start. In the middle of work, one scrawls across my heart. Later, I try to remember, but tend to forget. How many have I lost that way, filed under regret? Or even overlooked, not giving them a chance? Some still patiently wait to perform their wild dance. Quite odd, that writing can make you lose track of time. Dog-paddling like mad, desperate to find the perfect rhyme. Not discerning where I'm heading, yet going with the flow. Saying what I didn't know I knew, what the words show. I love the discovery aspect of writing. Like travel, everywhere inspira…
letzter Beitrag von Teddybär, -
feedback jeder art D' Stubnkredenz
| erstellt von A.N N A- 1 Follower
- 4 Kommentare
- 227 Aufrufe
D'Stubnkredenz Wann i einigeh in dö sche Stubn, dann schau i mi mit Freudn um. I siag mei Kredenz, schau's so gern o. An dem Kastn da hängt ganz vü dro. Ma glaubat nöt, was dö Kredenz ois fasst, was sö so aufi- und einistölln lasst. Oben drauf is a oide Kuchiwaag. Is gwiß vo da Oma, aus frühare Tag. A schenö Kaffeemühl steht daneben, is sicha oft braucht wordn im enteren Lebn. A Aschnbecha, den koana braucht, weil bei uns ja neamd mehr raucht. Dann nu a älterer Kerznleuchta. Hat früher brennt, meist in an Feichta. A uroida Wecka liegt obn nu dran, den ma nimma mehr aufzia…
letzter Beitrag von A.N N A, -
feedback jeder art Nattdans
| erstellt von Vetula- 3 Follower
- 4 Kommentare
- 204 Aufrufe
Nordlysene danser med stjerner fra melkveien til morgengrynen hilser fra Norge
letzter Beitrag von Vetula, -
feedback jeder art Zurück in die Heimat
| erstellt von Alvara05- 2 Follower
- 3 Kommentare
- 186 Aufrufe
Genau 6 Jahr sind jetzt verbii Es isch nid immer so eh schöni Ziit gsii Hufa Hürda hend miar müassa überwinda Zum jetzt wieder könna Hei finda Aber jetzt wend miar es endli wüssa Und üsari Heimat nüma missa May Day, dr’EHC und na vieli meh, willi endli wieder gseh Vor 15 Jahr, müassa üsi Heimat zruck lah Grossi Sehnsucht nach dr’Stadt und de Berga, Z’Herz-en Hufa us tuusig Scherba Und sind miar bi Verwandta wieder do Fühlt sich’s immer ah, wie Hei cho Khur miar kömen bald hei Und löhnt di so schnell nüma allei Du bisch dr geilst Kanton vor Welt – und wirsch es au immer bliba… Che…
letzter Beitrag von Vetula, -
feedback jeder art The Summer when we were 12
| erstellt von Donna- 2 Follower
- 2 Kommentare
- 243 Aufrufe
We ran out shrieking, kicking off neon orange flip flops, as we raced to leave our trail as footprints in the wet sand. Tiny waves lapping at our cold-shocked toes. Popping bubble gum, then briefly turning to one another, laughing in mutual understanding. Remembering our lanyards looped around our necks, keys jingling while we hurried to plant them on the wooden fence. Marking our Summer territory. Emily, her bold pixie haircut, red- faced, said we owned the beach! But the black backed gulls, who mimicked our screeches, thieved our moment. This was our country! The white boned seashells, beige colored dunes, a wide s…
letzter Beitrag von Donna, -
feedback jeder art My Heart breaks open to never close again to the rest of the World
| erstellt von Donna- 4 Follower
- 6 Kommentare
- 228 Aufrufe
I am hardly myself these days There's a flow through me like dark blue waves A tide come to yank and pull under In the distance, drum-rolls of thunder The reckless seizure that is storm Blackens the afternoon, just born Awash in emotional pain An egret stalks through the rain In the shallows of the pond Between thrashing feathery reed fronds At the edge of a silky world of water Raindrops are hitting hard like a bingo dotter The egrets bamboo legs patiently wade A crack of lightning, he remains unafraid Grief makes a sudden breakthrough, vows a trade I touch the rim of sadnes…
letzter Beitrag von Joshua Coan, -
feedback jeder art The Awakening
| erstellt von Hase- 3 Follower
- 2 Kommentare
- 195 Aufrufe
The Awakening Sometimes I wish I could go back back to the times when my children’s room was the whole world I could spend hours rearranging the furniture, or renaming my fluffy little toys, and each time that I had finished, it felt as if I had changed the world in some mysterious way– and I had. Sometimes I wish I could go back back to the days when so little meant so much when everything that mattered was mine to design and nothing was out of reach when the world was touchable, approachable, both clearly defined and…
letzter Beitrag von Donna, -
feedback jeder art Da letzte Tag
| erstellt von A.N N A- 2 Follower
- 7 Kommentare
- 270 Aufrufe
Da letzte Tag Scho ois Kind kimmt da dö Frag: "Muatta, wann is denn da letzte Tag? Wann muaß i in d' Schui einsteh? I mag nöt vo dir wega geh! Möcht dahoam bei dir do bleibn und mit dir dö Zeit vertreibn! Drum, Muatta, sag's, geh bittschö sag Wann is denn da letzte Tag? " Kimmst in d'Schui, wannst a a weng trutzt. Dös ganze Rean oan goarnix nutzt. Mit dö Gedanga bist dahoam. Oisand geht's z'gleich bist nöt alloan. A so a Schuitag is sooooo lang. Um's Spielzeug wird da narrisch bang. Stellst da Muatta wieder d'Frag: "Wann is denn da letzte Tag, D…
letzter Beitrag von A.N N A, -
feedback jeder art 56789
| erstellt von Anaximandala- 2 Follower
- 7 Kommentare
- 248 Aufrufe
5 and 6 were scared of 7, cause the 7 once 8 9. Why should 7 do this, heaven? Probably, what I would say, its about to go for dine in the recommended way, eating 3 squared meals per day.
letzter Beitrag von Denios, -
feedback jeder art Where are you now?
| erstellt von Donna- 2 Follower
- 6 Kommentare
- 204 Aufrufe
A wrinkle in time dares to steal rhyme. Takes all reason to color this Season. Words, like you, are gone. There is no song. Musical notes fold; days are empty-cold. Dark and bleak, you cannot speak. Where is the light? Trapped in grief-fight. Drowning in tears. Taken, your years. How do I live? Nothing to give. The sky begins to fall. My heart's in a brawl. I trip, knees buckle. Touch the ground, do a double. Struggle to get up, fumble. Piece by piece, I crumble. Beneath opens, I tumble. Speeding towards an abyss. You are the only on…
letzter Beitrag von Donna, -
feedback jeder art How I found my wife
| erstellt von Joshua Coan- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 143 Aufrufe
Once upon a time, there was a face-blind woman… She was not blind, her eyes could see And in the Hallway, she found me „Come on dear, let´s go home“, she said I was suprised, did not expect that I followed her into her flat A little curious and dread From there on now, she treated me fine, She treated me good She treated me like a housewife should She was just surprised my voice had changed I sound: „A bit more flat and a little deranged“ So I went quiet, just said „Okay“ And not more than „Na“ or „Ne“ So finally I had my lucky day My sorrow´s over and flew away Now, no longer do…
letzter Beitrag von Joshua Coan, -
nur kommentar Dialog in Witten
| erstellt von Seeadler- 2 Follower
- 2 Kommentare
- 232 Aufrufe
Hömma Vadda, gehze ma anne Pommesbude, dat wat aufn Tisch kommp. Nix im Kühlschrank. Bin grad am Dichten Herzken, waate ma. Waate ma, waate ma, immer nur dichten, davon wirze nich satt von. Dat musse mir nich sagen, du. Gez, wo ich die Kadenzen am ausrechnen bin. Siehze, gez sin se wech. Kannze nich selber gehn? Bei Hotte kriegze imma Kredit von. Dem Hotte seine Bude is schon lange wech. Da is getz Döner. Wat denn, meinze? Der Hotte is gez Filialleiter bei Hin und Wech. Hasse dem sein Benz gesehn? Hasse überhaupt schomma deinen Kopp ausm Fenster gehalten, wat da los is? Wat denn? …
letzter Beitrag von Seeadler, -
How dare you to ripe my heart apart like that? Pain flushing out my heart through all my veins. Its a sweet poison payed by a bitter price. My fate is so drenched in tragedy, that the Universe will cry with me until there is no more water in the sea, no clouds in the sky, no ice on the poles. How the hell should I fix a thousand piece shattered thing, that used to beat in my chest? A planet being out of water like me out of tears. The desert planet will be the home of my heart, that is blown away into the sand, covering the land as far as I can see and beyond. Innocent red of mine turning into a fell black paste. A body, no longer mine, carrying my poisoned soul…
letzter Beitrag von Tubakroko, -
feedback jeder art Lieba Jott
| erstellt von Seeadler- 2 Follower
- 4 Kommentare
- 262 Aufrufe
Lieba Jott ick hätt so jern eenen najelneuen Stern Meener hat wat anne Leuchte det ick nu een neuen bräuchte Menschenskind, det jeht so nich Jeder kriegt nur eenmal Licht Hört ma uff mit dem Jeplusta Sons mach ick allet zappendusta
letzter Beitrag von Seeadler, -
feedback jeder art Duel Of Fate
| erstellt von Adventure- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 117 Aufrufe
Halo of love, realm of the shadows Fourthousand years, end of the heavens Flame burning far, chest of a dead song More than a heart, sent by the red moon Duel of fate, light against darkness Twohundred days, life of the heartbeat Wish, in the blue, sands of the end Storm of the sea, land of the dragons Storm of the two, dance of the dance Live, burried truth, hand of the shadows Duel of fate, light against darkness Twohundred days, life of the heartbeat
letzter Beitrag von Adventure, -
feedback jeder art Fehlalarm
| erstellt von Seeadler- 4 Follower
- 7 Kommentare
- 322 Aufrufe
Det Telefon , det glotzt ma an Wat ha ick da denn bloß jetan? Ick häng ma mit die Strüppe uff Du wärs det Schuld und stürbs am Suff Denn sind wa beede janz alleene Im Himmel oben, wär dit scheene Ick heb ma eenen jetz schomma Prost Mädel - ja da staunste wa? Nu bimmelts doch, ick hebe ab Is keener dran, nu fahr ick ab Erst jestan haste noch jeglüht Deen Herz, det war janz uffjeblüht Uff enmal hat de Tür jeknallt Ick denk noch: Wat is Mädel - halt Se wird ma frische Schrippen koofen Wär dämlich ihr jetz nachzuloofen Die kommt schon wieda meene Kleene Doch nu is Mittach ick noch alleene Ick kann ma …
letzter Beitrag von Seeadler, -
feedback jeder art Adventure
| erstellt von Adventure- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 122 Aufrufe
A step The heights of the world which is us Our breath Older than light and the flames Our love One with belief and the heart Our fate The words in stone and the air Adventure Our dance The path of the earth and the sea Our eyes More than the sky and the day Our shades The force of the ruins alive Heartbeat Born from the soul and the blood Adventure And when the halo flies We`ll walk towards the light Adventure
letzter Beitrag von Adventure, -
nur kommentar Gedichte - Frankfurt - russisch - Cтихи моей мамы
| erstellt von AnnaB- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 130 Aufrufe
Франкфурт, Франкфурт город банков, всех народов и имён на реке красивой Майне ты в Германии рождён я с тобой повстречалась здесь сбылись мои мечты город света город солнца город вечный красоты ты красив и днём и ночью в свете солнечных лучей а ещё всего сильней я люблю тебя обмытым ливнями больших дождей. Под законами арийцев ты для всех, всегда открыт и большим гостеприимством в этом мире знаменит! От ирана до россии люди съехались сюда повторяя здесь мы дома это наша вся земля! А арийцы не мешают хоть стеснённые подчас говорят мы рады видеть вас…
letzter Beitrag von AnnaB, -
nur kommentar Bullets (Wishful Thinking...)
| erstellt von Aileas- 1 Follower
- 1 Kommentar
- 193 Aufrufe
No matter how shiny No matter how small There's only one purpose To make a man fall. No matter the reason No matter the aim There's only one purpose A life is to claim. No matter the colour No matter the race There's only one purpose Which is, to erase. The bullets keep flying Without any need For that only purpose To make mankind bleed. If all the men's bullets Would turn into birds To carry a message All over this world Then finally bullets Would no longer do harm And LOVE would be purpose And our only arm
letzter Beitrag von Jimmy Moriarty, -
feedback jeder art Dunkelste Tage
| erstellt von Relby- 1 Follower
- 1 Kommentar
- 161 Aufrufe
Darkest Days On these days, he wants to disappear. On these days, fading away sounds great. On these days, he can’t even cry a single tear. On these days, there’s so much hate. On these days, staying here is his biggest fear. On these days, he only knows how to stop it with a blade. On these days,he’ll fly into the clouds some day. On these days, he’ll maybe stop breathing. One day, he’ll decide to stay. One day he’ll start healing.
letzter Beitrag von Joshua Coan, -
feedback jeder art They Turn Around Twice
| erstellt von Adventure- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 111 Aufrufe
In the casino of love They dance and they dance by the heart One with belief and the stars And one with the heavens behalf Movement so deep as a part Of one wonder, one wish on the path One in the dance of all love A miracle, light of two halves Coins flip in the casino, they turn around twice The girl and the boy with caleidoscope eyes And the dimensions, they tremble A step on the dancefloor, the dancefloor On the eleventh the hands up A breath in the telfth gone, the twelfth gone And in the heavens they end up And in the heavens they end up The life in their chests, it is endless The life in their chests, it is endl…
letzter Beitrag von Adventure, -
feedback jeder art The transformation
| erstellt von partewigand- 2 Follower
- 1 Kommentar
- 172 Aufrufe
Come, sit down. I might forget how to write and start talking instead. Abracadabra, have you got time? There have been some changes around my existence The scenery has burned to ashes. Figures suffered injuries. And wishes no longer count for eyelashes. A bird as my reflection, I fly on the wings of emotion, Get lost in the notion. It feels romantic, not the least. Fatal temptation, like a bird flying over the ocean. Vertical falling raindrips hit my bare feet. The patterns had been laid, of course, but I didn't walk them. I stood and listened to the free fall of the raindrops and their weight. Light …
letzter Beitrag von Joshua Coan, -
feedback jeder art Echobubble in enlish
| erstellt von partewigand- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 129 Aufrufe
Babble Bubble sut and suture Suffer Sudden rup and rupture in Cinic Circles dark thee boil Deep redbrown and moisty soil Ebber Ebba Rebbec ripp thee Silver coins we mostly flip thees Critical cricket buzzed in the midnight Blood dilution makes the sickride Synthetic circle limbic syndrom Swings frequently Astro Phantom Theres Theos todos teachings Mundo rundum credos in preachings Cretin Critter minds my retina I am born a littal sinna. Empathy breaths deeply voids slaughter soothes thee paranoids.
letzter Beitrag von partewigand, -
feedback jeder art Oh du mir getan
| erstellt von Schmuns- 3 Follower
- 10 Kommentare
- 405 Aufrufe
Noch nicht zu spät, gereit der Kinderschar. Wohl zum eigen, wohl zum Glückes streben? Sie, die du ein Kind gebar. Auf ewig ziehend, tod nicht leben. Unsterblichkeit sei eines jeden Primisse. Irrend, jagend, suchend, führend Ziel. Durch Tränen getrübt, dem Leben Kollisse. Um Schritt und Schritt der Traum zerviel. Aufwärts, größer, reifer werdend. Hürde, Hürde, letztes Kind. Strebsam drüber, mit jeder gehrend, neuen Unmut Trophäen sind. Wieder, wieder, den Erfolg nicht habend. Dein Erbe, hinnehmen war mir vertraut.
letzter Beitrag von Schmuns, -
nur kommentar Diese Gene
| erstellt von Seeadler- 3 Follower
- 3 Kommentare
- 249 Aufrufe
Diese Gene diese Gene janz alleene sind se Schuld det die Kleene krumme Beene und een Kopp voll Unjeduld Und die Mutta jut im Futta setzt noch eenen obendruff stopft dem Jör seen Hals mit Zucka det se noch mehr zappeln muss Arma Vata schreit: Psychata rennt zum Seelenklempner hin weil im janzen Körpa hatta keenen eenzjen Nerv mehr drin Diese Gene diese Gene janz alleene sind se Schuld det die Kleene krumme Beene und een Kopp voll Unjeduld
letzter Beitrag von Seeadler, -
feedback jeder art Da Schuasta Fred 1 2
| erstellt von Tender Spirit- 5 Follower
- 21 Kommentare
- 684 Aufrufe
Da Schuasta Fred Neulich geh ich mal a Rundn, tua de Gegend neu erkunden... Da siag i glatt d'Neumeier Nan. (Langsam fangts zum Tröpfln an). Sie winkt ma und kimmt auf mi zua, aus is' mit da selign Ruah. Sie is , wia ma so sagt, net zwida, sitzt se auf mein Bankerl nieder. Dann sagt sie: Hast du schon gehört? An Schuasta Fred hats so malheurt. Na, sag i, was is denn gschegn? (Aus de Tröpferl wird a Regn). Und so kemman ma ins Ratschn. (Am Bankerl wachst a kloane Latschn). Sie sagt, de Binder Lies hat gmoant, er hätt se erscht z'weit aussigloant beim Fensta drunt beim …
letzter Beitrag von A.N N A, -
feedback jeder art The Mumble Crumble
| erstellt von Ringelblume- 2 Follower
- 2 Kommentare
- 232 Aufrufe
The crumbling pie is utterly shy, because of the crumbles, it terribly mumbles. It wish‘s to be eaten by the teachers of Eaton, but to shy to talk and unfit to walk, it waits on the plate, predicting its fate. But then in a rush, no time for a blush, a young maiden‘s hand, and this is the end.
letzter Beitrag von asphaltfee, -
feedback jeder art Somewhere in the Garden of Eden
| erstellt von Lucia Korn- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 164 Aufrufe
Under the trees she slowly pushed him closer to her to see inside his deep ocean and ride his wild waves she knows she will never sink he will swallow all the salt water, choking and smiling, while she gets a fit of laughter. Like somewhere in the Garden of Eden she gently touches his body like a light feather with two snakes around his hips instead of hugging arms. Wounds everywhere after the bites so she can heal them again and put medicine and salt into it. Somewhere forgotten, lost and exiled there she is standing in her glory above him …
letzter Beitrag von Lucia Korn, -
feedback jeder art Kindheit dazumals
| erstellt von A.N N A- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 211 Aufrufe
D'Kindheit und dö andanö Zeit Wann i so z'ruckdenk,. wia's früher wohl woar, Beinand mit dö Gschwister, a gmiatlichö Schar Da Vata und d"Muata ham g'sorgt sö um ins, dass ma z'essn gnua gehabt ham und a Betterl, a linds. Dös Lebn woar anders, nöt grad so wia heit. Wia ma hält so sagt, ganz a andane Zeit. Am Samstag auf d'Nacht, drinn in da Stubn hama Rosenkranz bet', auf dö Knia, und frumm woarn ma a nöt grad oiwei so richtig dabei, wann s'Wöda recht sche g'wön is draußen, im Mai. Da Vata hat hergschaut und ins woar kloar, da Rosenkranz is ja n…
letzter Beitrag von A.N N A, -
feedback jeder art Miss my Father
| erstellt von BlackJo- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 132 Aufrufe
I miss my father The way he looked at me when I was a little girl I missed him in times where my life got in the swirl I missed him when I start to became a woman I wanted to show him the draftswoman I missed him when I got problems with man Because he left me when I start to became a teen I missed him when I wanted to have fun It was like he shot me with a handgun I missed the smirkel in his eyes I never thought there are so much lies But i understand he couldnt give me what i needed And also when the half of my life i feeled unheeded I know the fights with his demons was heavy Also when in the past I couldnt see I feeled the darkness …
letzter Beitrag von BlackJo, -
feedback jeder art Meine Eltern
| erstellt von A.N N A- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 226 Aufrufe
WANN I AN MEINÖ ELTERN DENK Wann i an meinö Eltern denk, dann wirds ma schwa ums Herz. Mir wird so rar, i kann fast sagn, es is a leiser Schmerz. Was habns denn gehabt von eahnan Lebn? Es woar a hoarte Zeit. Und trotzdem sans so glücklich gwen, üba alls habn sie sö gfreit. Acht Kinder san eahna geborn. Sie habn uns des Betn glehrt. Da Glaubn an Gott, er bleibt in uns is in dö Wiegn glegt uns wordn. Für uns is dös vü mehr wert als Guat und a vü Geld. I glaub, dass dös heut manchem fehlt Im Löbn auf dera Welt. Dös Austragsstüberl gibts nu heut, kimm …
letzter Beitrag von A.N N A, -
nur kommentar Gone
| erstellt von Donna- 1 Follower
- 1 Kommentar
- 170 Aufrufe
A lifetime of words left unspoken. Gone from this earth, we are heartbroken. Memory is a paltry solace. Now, thrust into callous darkness. Deprived of everything that was you. In this crude abyss of grief we can't undo. Trapped inside; rivers of tears gush and flow dark. Each heartbeat is chaffed, hiccups raw and stark. The days are playing empty, dealing a bad hand. Our heads droop, feet shuffle, the mind can't understand. How nothing could save you anymore. Valiantly fighting eight years, snubbing death's door. Fierce courage, countless rounds of chemo, we heard you roar. Stuff that wo…
letzter Beitrag von Teddybär, -
feedback jeder art Lazarus
| erstellt von linger_on- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 139 Aufrufe
I hear Bowie flying off like a bluebird, forever vogelfrei, leaves rustling as the wind sighs heavily one last time. Torn socks and boxers holding on in the corner frantically surrounded by scribbly notes and dim oil canvases, a wooden tribal mask and corporate contact cards: magical portals to your past sentenced to dust by the deep grim sea around, the bridges all out of reach. Unaccessible memories like cement slowly encasing my feet, the water lulling continuously ahead as I wait - motionless - for the mafioso to push but he never does and the saxophone gives its last somber hurrah and th…
letzter Beitrag von linger_on, -
feedback jeder art A poem for the girl in the mirror
| erstellt von Porzellanschreibt- 1 Follower
- 1 Kommentar
- 239 Aufrufe
🇬🇧 As though god had a beloved As though his beloved left him And in that moment he made her Her beauty is saddening Her lips, downturned Her smile, left in pictures The lines on her forehead Are the same lines from the bible Yelled by priests at witch trials Dreams and sparkle Stuck behind her eyes Her chest, full of emptiness You tell her you love her „I love you“ gets in Echos around And eventually fades out Death lures inside her But finds nothing to kill She’s empty Like a road Twisting for hours Getting nowhere She’s fallen And she’s fall…
letzter Beitrag von Halucius, -
feedback jeder art He had a dream
| erstellt von Jan Fischer- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 140 Aufrufe
I once met a young man refugee from the senseless war in Ucraine we built up a unique friendship we shared ups and downs had fun, laughed a lot and my horizon grew a total stranger in „my“ country he integrated, learned the language did his best, gave his blood to fulfill his dream of being a doctor and to help people but Germany did not want him to root expulsion so our ways have to split i feel ashamed of what they did to him i deeply hope we will not lose contact thank you bro
letzter Beitrag von Jan Fischer, -
feedback jeder art do you know me?
| erstellt von thoughtsbythemoon- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 153 Aufrufe
you make me cry, you don’t even know the last time i laughed with you, i barely know you say your happy, i’m glad for you i sit at home, without knowing what to do i cry myself to sleep, you go outside having fun i sit lonely in my bed, you go to a party with tons of friends the only friend i got is you, it’s sad because you don’t seem to care, do you? -tbtm:)
letzter Beitrag von thoughtsbythemoon, -
feedback jeder art real me
| erstellt von thoughtsbythemoon- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 281 Aufrufe
you think you know me, but is that true? i show you a side, can you see through? if you only know it’s not who i am you would run away and never come back i’m always tired, but can’t sleep at night i’m always there, but not with my mind i seem happy, if you only know the truth i seem awake but inside of me nothing moves -tbtm:)
letzter Beitrag von thoughtsbythemoon, -
feedback jeder art English Haikus
| erstellt von LeMarq- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 167 Aufrufe
Pondering Sitting at a pond there is a man, deep in thoughts his skin made of stone Fulfilment The final drop falls Onto the skin of a lake Making it complete Hope Through a tiny crack On a Grey street, a flower Proudly lifts its head The earth A fountain of life Surrounded by the endless echo of silence Life recall My head plummets down Onto the concrete, and dives Deep into the past Sweet memory I think of our kiss A taste as sweet as sugar Always on my tongue
letzter Beitrag von LeMarq, -
feedback jeder art Passing time
| erstellt von Zarathustra- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 152 Aufrufe
writing this little rhymes on the side I´ve got something else on my mind
letzter Beitrag von Zarathustra, -
feedback jeder art Is this Love?
| erstellt von Jan Fischer- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 143 Aufrufe
Hey people out there I send love to everyone of you the ideal case is when you are linked to love you feel it, you are into it, but not to get it back just to please every single other life enjoy being alive is there life before death? It is, oh dear it can be fantastic without limits everything is possible i feel so many good vibrations pumping through my veins if you are full of love, you are a rich person positivity can be given away or spread without losing it why do we always share only negative feelings? Why do we always talk when we should listen? Everyone of us has his or h…
letzter Beitrag von Jan Fischer, -
feedback jeder art Blessing
| erstellt von LeMarq- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 145 Aufrufe
A tulip salutes from over the fields Prouldy presenting the leafs it yields Butterflies applaud with claps of their wings Spiders dance cheerfully up on their strings Today there is sunshine, I fell in love The birds sent their wishes with songs from above A smiling horse shows its peferct teeth And rabbits make love in the meadows beneath And while the clouds, some shaped like a heart Silently into the sunset depart Pictures of last night appear in my head And of the future that we got ahead
letzter Beitrag von LeMarq, -
feedback jeder art Och Mensch
| erstellt von Seeadler- 4 Follower
- 10 Kommentare
- 375 Aufrufe
Och Mensch, och nö, nu isser wech hat nichma tschüß jesaacht Nu hat se also doch noch recht hätt ick se besser nich jefraacht Een Kerl der jeht, een Kerl der kommt so stand et inne Kaaten Och Mensch, och nö nu isser wech und ick soll wieda waaten
letzter Beitrag von Letreo71, -
feedback jeder art Die Diva
| erstellt von Seeadler- 2 Follower
- 4 Kommentare
- 306 Aufrufe
Ick träum von eener Bühne wo ick mal Diva bin Da sollste mir bewundern komm mit ma nach Balin Nu glotz ma nich so dusslich an und zieh die Schluffen aus Hol deenen juten Anzuch Ma is heut nach Applaus Et will ma nich in Koppe det du dit nich vastehst Ick tanz och mitm Kalle wenn de nich mit ma jehst Dann bleib doch in deen Sessel und pup da gründlich aus Ick nehm den nächsten Fliega und komm nie mehr nach Haus
letzter Beitrag von Seeadler, -
feedback jeder art Heart Baloons and Scissors
| erstellt von Lucia Korn- 1 Follower
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- 169 Aufrufe
Yeah, you try to catch all of them right in your tiny little bag. One day you understand you won't gain that love you need. Yeah, you want to shout on bigfoot with your paper guns. One day you understand you won't gain that love you need. Oh wow, you want to fly to Mars with your car. One day you understand you won't gain that love you need. Sitting in a baloon floating upwards high into the grey sky. You will break the bottom with your scissors and fall down without any injury. Just that little metal thing falling right on your head and then you will shout out into the hollow surroudings: "Is thi…
letzter Beitrag von Lucia Korn, -
feedback jeder art The Artificial Empire
| erstellt von Anaximandala- 2 Follower
- 2 Kommentare
- 215 Aufrufe
Walking through the light of moon questioning if there will soon be a point when its official that the technique artificial is intelligent as me, you, or someone else, as we. Its intelligence explodes recognizes, we are loads absorbs the world community the humankind gets relegated. In pursuit of infinity, its cleverness gets elevated and then decides to install boards just all around the continent observed by artificial lords when the AI predominant beginns to rise the empire of the united planet steel the life of humankind gets dire what moves gets tested, it could feel what feels …
letzter Beitrag von Anaximandala, -
feedback jeder art Willow
| erstellt von LeMarq- 1 Follower
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- 179 Aufrufe
Mourning willow, wooden braid That has no husband by your side Every night I hear you cry When the frosty winds pass by Your weak and slender branches hang Down to the ground, where you began To grow out of a tiny seed Into a steady hanging tree Weeping willow, your time is due Like of the people hanged on you Crooked people have it been As crooked as now you are seen Accept your fate and find your peace Put your ancient soul at ease There's no more time that you've got Things might change - but you will not. Tortured willow, you‘ll be free Make space …
letzter Beitrag von LeMarq, -
feedback jeder art Bare trees resemble lungs
| erstellt von Porzellanschreibt- 4 Follower
- 5 Kommentare
- 275 Aufrufe
I wrote in my will I want to be burnt when I die And when I die I want those ashes to be wrapped in a small piece of paper, handed to you like a cigarette I want you to smoke me, so that I can grow in your lungs. 🌱 -from an old love letter
letzter Beitrag von Porzellanschreibt, -
feedback jeder art Elven Princess
| erstellt von Anaximandala- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 230 Aufrufe
Lets forget the now, the never, reach for sunlight, stay forever. If the time may stop, we'll see, elven princess, you and me!
letzter Beitrag von Anaximandala, -
feedback jeder art Phönix
| erstellt von Anaximandala- 2 Follower
- 11 Kommentare
- 382 Aufrufe
A destructive energy? We are light and harmony! Shining bright. There are no names for the force of destiny cause its wingstroke, honestly, is unleashing storming flames! This is in reality, thunder on the prophecy! It's the forceful end of games! It is the divinity, like the wind, that's frequently speaking through the fire, claims: There is nothing, but destruction! Glowing ashes, glowing worth! In the fire of seduction comes through thunderstorms to birth .. from the burning world construction just a phönix, thats from earth rising, brings annihilation. (/over world and population) …
letzter Beitrag von Anaximandala, -
feedback jeder art Mutta
| erstellt von Seeadler- 2 Follower
- 5 Kommentare
- 339 Aufrufe
Mutta saach wat soll ick machen du hast ma janüscht beijebracht Nu bin ick schon son oller Knochen und werd noch immer ausjelacht Zum Teil hab ick schon Glatze det macht ma aber nüscht Die passt zu meener Fratze äh, - ick mehne Anjesicht Mim Frajezeichen uff da Stirn renn ick bloß anne Wände Geh koof ma doch een neuet Hirn für meene linken Hände Ick bin zu dusslich, denk bei mir Det wird och nüscht mehr jeben Am besten bleib ick janz bei dir dann hab ick wat vom Leben
letzter Beitrag von Seeadler,