Fremdsprachige & Mundartgedichte
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*Für Gedichte in Fremdsprachen (außer Englisch) sollte stets eine Übersetzung beigefügt werden.
467 Themen in dieser Kategorie
feedback jeder art Nothing
| erstellt von Atalante- 0 Kommentare
- 470 Aufrufe
If I could just bury myself in a cave deep within the ocean, where noone ever comes by to shine a light into my darkness and ruin my vision of a beautiful nothing.
letzter Beitrag von Atalante, -
feedback jeder art Death of George Floyd (USA)
| erstellt von MelZas- 0 Kommentare
- 462 Aufrufe
If you killed someone.. No one can change it But you can change the future No one should be punished for looking black or white 'Cause it's not your fault No one should be able to do that But unfortunately, there is such a thing You can't stop it now, but maybe in the future Imagine someone of your family doing something like this You don't want that either So please don't do this. How can you still look at yourselves? If you killed someone... It's not your fault George! . . . . Mein kleiner Beitrag zu der ganzen Situation in den USA.. They don't need help.. they need humani…
letzter Beitrag von MelZas, -
feedback jeder art Gott und Hoffnung
| erstellt von Raffaele- 3 Kommentare
- 677 Aufrufe
Tomb with no name for what do I strive they abandon me what good is my life my endless pain proceeds cold metal touches sad skin the finger grabs the trigger then he comes there is something bigger he takes my woe to him my heart goes
letzter Beitrag von Sonnenuntergang, -
textarbeit erwünscht Love
| erstellt von Ninaolora- 1 Follower
- 2 Kommentare
- 970 Aufrufe
Its the thinking of you i not want, miss your body, i miss, want your soul. Feel your breath at my schoulder want to see your words go real love the way that you shine, while you smile to me. laughing with you is like healing my brain. Iam want to be with you. It is like a dream. Running together into the sky feeling the haven between you and I.
letzter Beitrag von anais, -
He is gone gone away. Far Away to far to stay. My heart not broke my heart exploed . In fifthy pices of truth and hope. He hurt me not hunderet, tausend times. With his act he stops my belive of love and crimes. Hurt by a human is not worth it anymore so let me out of this door. Once come a human with heart and soul with lovely hopes and other rules. To trust forgive and love than this is not so easy. i hate that shit.
letzter Beitrag von Ninaolora, -
feedback jeder art The street musician 1 2
| erstellt von Schmuddelkind- 2 Follower
- 16 Kommentare
- 2,5T Aufrufe
I missed three trains to hear you sing, to watch your fingers gently slide as if they searched from string to string for every tear I've ever cried. And as I dreamed your melodies, you sang my dreams in utter pain. No other moment worth to seize than being here to miss the train.
letzter Beitrag von Schmuddelkind, -
feedback jeder art If you were here
| erstellt von Schmuddelkind- 2 Follower
- 7 Kommentare
- 946 Aufrufe
If you were here with me alone, I wouldn't lose a word or tear of what would be, if you weren't here, as though I would have never known. (Aus dem Fundus)
letzter Beitrag von Schmuddelkind, -
feedback jeder art Neurot
| erstellt von Joshua Coan- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 617 Aufrufe
In this times of grace, i found honor in decay Through silver in blood, i hold a sun, that never sets In the eye of every storm, against the enemy of the sun Given to the rising, when this soul is at zero It will shine, Fire within Fires Sovereign over all pain of mind Nature word as law A Tribute to Neurosis
letzter Beitrag von Joshua Coan, -
feedback jeder art What would be then?
| erstellt von baumkind- 1 Follower
- 1 Kommentar
- 651 Aufrufe
can’t stop thinking about it I want this so badly maybe I quit and I know it is sadly but it hurts that I cant hurt me while you tell me you can I only want to feel free but what would be then blood runs down my arms I start to cry there build up new scars but I feel like I would fly and why I start crying? cause I let you down yes I was trying but it came the breakdown I would be elated you would be not so I would turn sad and thats the plot
letzter Beitrag von Cheti, -
feedback jeder art Bleib Daham
| erstellt von Tom Dooly- 2 Follower
- 2 Kommentare
- 737 Aufrufe
Bleib Daham Was is denn los was is denn gschehn, I kann gar kane Leut mehr sehn? Hab ghört skrassiert a krasse Gripp, es hasst da Covid19 Typ. Der straht die ganzen Oiden her drum soll a kann ausse mehr. Ziagt jetzt um die ganze Welt und kost die Leut an haufen Geld. Nur die Natur die findets fein, der Mensch scheißt Ihr jetzt nimma rein. Na jessas na was is der Plan? Gank einfach Oida bleib daham! Den Boris kann I ned ganz fassen, der will den Covid reiten lassen und wenn der amoi gallopiert, dann is die Insel gleich halbiert. Der Donald schreit a Schmäh, a Schmäh und treibt die Zahlen dort in …
letzter Beitrag von Cheti, -
textarbeit erwünscht who you are [english]
| erstellt von bugmenot- 2 Kommentare
- 544 Aufrufe
i don't want to know “how you doin” or "what's up", i wanna know how much sugar you want in your cup. i wanna talk about the wonders of the earth and to how many children you wanna give birth. about the best lies you've ever told, and how you imagine yourself getting old. about your flaws and all your quirks, and how your wacky mind really works. about how hard you lost your last fight, and what keeps you up late at night. about the meaning of life and death, and what you have to say, before your last breath. about your ability to laugh about yourself, and all the books you’ve read in your shelf. …
letzter Beitrag von bugmenot, -
glob ick hab'n bischen vill ....(hicks ) jetrunken wa nämlich inne " blaue Molle " drin versu.... (hicks ) jetze muss ick aba schnell cu meene Kleene ick hoffe bloß mir traren meene .... (hicks ) da vorne iss ne Haltestelle ick kann bloß jrade nich so schnelle son Dreck, der Bus is weg Da wird die Olle motzen jetz muss ick erstma .... (urrrr...a...bäh)
letzter Beitrag von Gutmensch, -
I don't know what's wrong with me, it's like my brain is settled free. But all in all it seems like i am caught in a habit like more often than not. It's the same scheme as always, i fall into love this feeling is ausumn but i have to get rid of. it's like a shackle around my mind i hate it, it's like i am fully blind my thoughts are captured in a possessive way but I have this feeling i have to stay my negative experiences passed away but still have the habit to flee and don't stay it's hard work to hide this deeper thought and i know after this there is just the naught but eventually there's a new way to take i now have to m…
letzter Beitrag von Pamwam, -
Nächstenliebe (Jupp & Otto)
| erstellt von Freiform- 4 Kommentare
- 716 Aufrufe
Jupp: Man Otto, lange nich gesehn, wie geit dat dir denn? Otto: Gut Jupp, und dich? Jupp: Auch gut! Wat macht die Familie? Otto: Soweit alles paletti, die Tochter heiratet demnächst. Jupp: Sach bloß! Wen dann? Otto: Nen Türken, aussem Nachbarort. Jupp: Nich wahr, hasse ihr dat nicht verboten! Otto: Doch, aber se hört nicht auf mich. Jupp: Jetzt bisse im Arch! Die wern dich inne Kirch nich mehr angucke! Otto: Warum dat dann, heißt doch inne Bibel, liebe deinen Nächsten! Jupp: Ja schon. Den nächsten Deutschen! Nich Türken, der is der Übernächste! Otto: Dat steht in der Bibel so aber nicht drin! Jupp: Muss auch nich…
letzter Beitrag von Freiform, -
gratias tibi ago
| erstellt von Carlos- 3 Kommentare
- 716 Aufrufe
efharisto poli obrigado bolschoi spasiba mille gratie merci beaucoup muchas gracias vielen dank thank you very much oder einfach ein blick und eine berührung des herzens mit der hand
letzter Beitrag von Behutsalem, -
Time is fleeting
| erstellt von ordinaryperson- 0 Kommentare
- 499 Aufrufe
Time is fleeting Whatever you do one day our hearts stop beating Which things are true? On this earth, everyone´s just like a rover One second, one day, a year Spring comes, summer´s over, soon Christmas is there What does it want, the thing in my chest? The sun comes up, the sun goes down How to use my time best? I don´t want to drown Time is fleeting Why is it though? I don´t like cheating Unable eluding the flow An event causes another one Time is fleeting, won´t come back And one day, we´ll be gone
letzter Beitrag von ordinaryperson, -
i bin a goar ned so a guada. da voda is keck, oba weg, de oide muada, de is a luada. mei bruada und i san hi, sogt de psychologie, oba mei muada kümmert si nie um psychologie. woun de muada a luda is, wird di kana vamissn, do host vaschissn auf da wiesn. des is gwiss. des is hoid des mit soichene sochn, waunst wast woher des kummt, kaunst a nix mochn. de muada sogt: scheissts eich nix! sovü is fix, a wenns a luada is und i ka guada, a ned mei bruada, oba wos recht hod hods recht!
letzter Beitrag von Flaco, -
de aundern
| erstellt von Flaco- 2 Kommentare
- 719 Aufrufe
de aundan, de aundan de wern uns unterwaundern. de fressn uns ois weg, uns bleibt a dreck. de kuman do daher und glaubn sie san scho wer. wobei ma ned amoi zu sogn wisst ob der ned vom is no ist, oda, a ned gscheida vielleicht von da alkaida. od oba nur da bua von wem, da bruada, da mau von da schwester, da onkl, da schwoga, da papa von kindern, er konnts ned verhindern, jetzt is er furt, oba de san no durt. seis wias sei, auf jeden foi warats gscheida, er is ned von da alkaida.
letzter Beitrag von Josina, -
Ostersonntag, bei Nürnberg
| erstellt von Ruedi- 4 Kommentare
- 1,1T Aufrufe
Draussen am Roosen schnubbern zwaa Hoosen an die Schoggoeier, die wo zur Feier der Auferstehung des Herrn im Groos vaschdeggd werrn Vom Haus durch a Fensdder siechdd a Madla Geschbennsdder schläächd die Hend vuur die Goschn, kummd in die Kichn g’schossen und schreidd: „Mama im Garddn, bei die Rabaddn siddsn zwaa Hoosn und midd die Noosen schubbsens die Eier, die wo Du zur Feier vom lebendichen Jesus, jed’s Johr vaschdeggn duusdd quer iebern Roosen. Gibb's den Osterhoosen am End doch in echdd? Des wär mir fei rechdd!“ (22.4.2019) :wbb_w_easter4:
letzter Beitrag von Ruedi, -
i kaun des "heimat" nimma hearn, obwohl, zsaus bin i recht gern, "heimat" klingt ma noch marschiern, noch schrein, phrasn dreschn ohne hirn zsaus do is da schmäh daham, mei sproch, da wienerwoid, da liesingboch, da schubert und des hawelka. i woa a scho in afrika, in hongkong und in sumatra, jetzt bin i wieda zsaus, und lod eich olle ei, wauns woits kumts gern amoi vurbei. nur in der "heimat" de ihr mahnts tuat ma lad, i sog eich ans, do bin i und do bleib i a, wia ma so sogt: a auslända
letzter Beitrag von Flaco, -
waun i in d´ kistn hupf, amoi in hoizpüjama schlupf, daun is ka grossa schod, i hob nix vapasst, ois vaprasst, vü gseng, long ned ois, oba fost. waun mi da guguk hoid, daun werma vurher no an rauchn, des turat not, i rauch fertig, weu gsund gsturbn is a tot. wauna mit da sensn droht, sog i : oida, hot koa not, für an schnops is oiwei zeit, kum, trink ma auf die ewigkeit. und waun i nimma wida kum, daun lochts amoi für mi, nehmts mas net krum, weu i wor i, daun bleib i stumm, bin furt, bin hi
letzter Beitrag von Wilde Rose, -
Silent noises
| erstellt von Pavel- 1 Kommentar
- 711 Aufrufe
Here I am in an empty room, that I'm calling, my home. But it does not feel as it should, Here I am sitting alone. Listening to the melody, forgetting about my choices, there are many voices, listening to silent noises. I lay down my heart, even if it's hard. Why I can't make me love me? Cause I don't! I'm still here, here I stay as I am. Closing the eyes, let me find what feels wrong. Listening to the melody, forgetting about my losses, there are many voices, listening to silent noises. It's time to fade and become a part of the shade. Sometimes it is to late to come out and the voices that I have they scream loud "Life is not fair!". But, for m…
letzter Beitrag von jvdxth, -
Ein Augenblick von Immer
| erstellt von arlak anaizit- 0 Kommentare
- 854 Aufrufe
Tu es la petite étoile qui brille dans les yeux des enfants pleins de bonheur quand ils recoivent leurs cadeaux à Noel. Tu es le croissant d'une lune qui se reflète dans le lac des âmes de mes rêves, de mes rires et de mes pleurs. Le croissant qui est si bon avec du café au lait le matin. Le pur bonheur Tu rayonne sur ma vie comme le soleil sur les vagues de la mer. Comme le sable doux qui caresse mon coeur. Sei l'infinto in un giorno Il fumo della ferrovia che è partita ieri, sta per passare e che non arriverà mai.... Il pensiero lasciato nel respiro del vento Quanto Dante mi consigliò "Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'en…
letzter Beitrag von arlak anaizit, -
Hinterdenken 1 2
| erstellt von Behutsalem- 18 Kommentare
- 3,7T Aufrufe
Hinterdenken Drauß'n fållt da Schnee. Er legt sich stüll in ålle Gåssn. Setzt sich nieda und bedeckt, jed'n Winkl, ålle Stråssn und ka Spur, ka anzge Spur im Schnee. S'is stad. Gråd so stad. Zan hinterdenkn Zeit. De Kerzn am Adventkrånz brennt, liachta, liachta åls die Herrlichkeit. Dås Wegle find'n, sich wieder find'n, ham find'n. S riacht. Es riacht so guat noch Kindatåg. Nåch Zimt und Weihrauch und es någt, da Wunsch, da Wunsch nåch ana Hånd. Ihrer Hånd, Muttas Hånd, Hamatbånd. Drauß'n fållt da Schnee. Er legt sich stüll in ålle Gåssn. Setzt sich nieda und bedeckt, jed'n Winkl, ålle Stråssn und a Spu…
letzter Beitrag von Nike, -
Schlågt a Herz
| erstellt von Behutsalem- 3 Kommentare
- 1,3T Aufrufe
Legt sich die Zeit her, über dei Lebn, wo du bist gwåndert, håst g‘råstet und g‘liabt. Stüllt dir dei Denken, wie a wormalat Regen, ålles wås di amål in Lem håt berührt. :/Greift di ån, håltet die wårm Nimmt da die Ångst vorm alloan/: Sinnst di noch gestern, noch uråltn Zeitn stimmt dånn a Liadl dei Herz milde ein; Wia selig tiaf greift a Lächeln von draußn und wia a Bachle ziacht leise sei Sein. :/Greift di ån,håltet die wårm Nimmt da die Ångst vorm alloan/: Tuat dir beim z‘rug schaun dås Herzle a schlågn und aus de Aug‘n druckt‘s Zahalan naus, über die Stapflan, zan Kirchlan tuas trågn wird åls gånz leicht , kniast zan betn d…
letzter Beitrag von Behutsalem, -
Die Welt der Franken - 2
| erstellt von Alter Wein- 0 Kommentare
- 972 Aufrufe
Ein Text in fränkischer Mundart, etwas für Insider Aufn Kerchhof: Jeden Doch muss mer aufn Kerchhof zum Gießen bei dera Hitz. Ich nimm mei Forrod, da geht’s a bissla schneller. Wens rengt konnst aber net fohrn do brauch i a net gießn! Soch amol, die hom gsocht, das der Dings gstorm ist - wen mans denn? No der wor jeden Sunndog in der Kergn vorn, in der zweiten Beng. Mansd du den Frank Siggi? Ja, den hob i gmand. Den hob i doch gestern nu lafn seng - No dann wors doch a anderer! 18.08.2018 @ alterwein
letzter Beitrag von Alter Wein, -
feedback jeder art AND YOU MAY ASK YOURSELF
| erstellt von DickyWest- 0 Kommentare
- 668 Aufrufe
AND YOU MAY ASK YOURSELF As long as you let gain your egotism you wouldn’t take care nor listen your life knows only one direction I and me – my scale to perfection even when relationship fails and your loved one stopped sending mails and one day you recognize the daily price you’ve paid only was a compromise and your eyes look around and you may ask yourself how can I change the sound from: I’m ok and I’m so proud to check: my past just was a fraud and …
letzter Beitrag von DickyWest, -
'n paar Limericks
| erstellt von Anonyma- 10 Kommentare
- 9,6T Aufrufe
Ich hab's gewusst. Konnte nicht anders kommen: Mich hat's mal wieder erwischt - das Limerickfieber. Dagegen ist kein Kraut gewachsen - zur Linderung der Symptome hilft nur, ein paar Tage lang welche zu schreiben. Kurt Meier, ein Single aus Darmstadt, war sonntags zum Schwimmen im Warmbad; sie auch, lachte laut und - Schwupps! - war sie Braut! So kommt's, wenn die Frau zu viel Charme hat. Der Detlef, ein Dichter in Plauen, war eifrig am Reime verbauen, in Versen (am Ende) und hoffte, sie spende (die Muse). Er wollt's nicht versauen. Fritz Fischer, ein Angler aus Wische, ging freudig am Mittag zu Tische. Der Fisch war ein …
letzter Beitrag von Ruedi, -
Heute noch einmal was auf Englisch. Desire The old leather couch sounds like an old wooden door Moving legs, feet and bodies through deep rooted bars make this moment louder than any desire for broen walls scream inside her little burning body Oil is needed The lady with her black framed glasses, purple blouse and dark blue jeans looks serious, no smile, bright eyes yearn for more than the small letters in her book, her fingers turn empty pages
letzter Beitrag von Claudia, -
Hand on your shoulder
| erstellt von Claudia- 0 Kommentare
- 682 Aufrufe
Hand on your shoulder My hand is on your shoulder I have climbed the highest boulder without a rope to rely on I kept climbing on and on I found you where silence lives and warmth is being missed The days are getting colder from day to day but you feel like a flower in May never going to fade away Your beauty reflected from the top I knew I could not stop until I reached out to you and find out if there will be two You are the beautiful flower I need You are the wandering flower I want to keep I have climbed the highest boulder Now my hand is on your shoulder
letzter Beitrag von Claudia, -
bound until all oceans are drained until all stars are burned out until chaos chose to die until the end of space and time as above and so below through all our lives and all our deaths I'm with you, I'm with you
letzter Beitrag von Dichtel (†), -
lead (blei)
| erstellt von rain- 0 Kommentare
- 602 Aufrufe
lead Can't you see? Apocalypse Can't you see? the high and the low the rise an the fall with a head full of ghosts and a heart made of lead our doom is spelled Why can't you see? the call of the abyss no mercy at all we are the shadow apocalypse like imbeciles we wasted earth empty minds catastrophe in reckless abandon like moths have for light as far as I can go to the eye of the storm I bear the misery of the whole world I carry your pain How much more I can take? Why can't you see? we can't buy time burning churches a crooked cross leaning towers come tumbling down what is built this …
letzter Beitrag von rain, -
Wisp on wisp of broken red yield slowly to the thrusting mass inherent charm dissolves to wed that rolling ball of flaming gas
letzter Beitrag von Gilpat, -
A Bush of Wild Roses (May your life ...)
| erstellt von mika- 0 Kommentare
- 687 Aufrufe
A Bush of Wild Roses (May your life ...) May your life be ... Like a bush of wild roses: May your heart be filled with birdsong Even in stormy times And be a nesting place For love und tenderness. May your thirst for love and beauty Be stilled Like the flowers thirst Is stilled by the rain. May the sun shine on you From time to time only Lest you be blinded To it's warmth and light. May the pain Caused by the thorns of life Make you stronger Each time you cry. May the person at your side Be like a clear lake And mirror your faults For you to learn. May your voice and deeds be Like blossoms That enlig…
letzter Beitrag von mika, -
Bad influence
| erstellt von Dirmiz- 0 Kommentare
- 748 Aufrufe
my oppurtunety's to enslave ya My sweet sugar shameless girl As time eats our sour creamed Devotive Handsome i will teach ya Once we broke a night And once we had a dream But hans you danced and frightend Smashed My lonely trance My girl away Now stray you little mother... Or my hands will bring some trouble Spring and flowers after showers They will grow But six feet under Nobody hears But me jolanda
letzter Beitrag von Dirmiz, -
Never give up on Hope
| erstellt von Pavel- 0 Kommentare
- 541 Aufrufe
It's just few days ago that i saw you, you were fine and we spent some time. I played for you some melodys on my guitar and you watched so excited on my fingers. I'm loving how cute you do your thing and when i played my guitar how you tryed to sing. I loved how you kissed yourself in the mirror, after your birth i started to see my life clearer. Now i can't believe that you got sick and i watch how the clock make tick tack tick. I'm feeling so useless cause i'm not be able to do something except to sit at your hospital table. You must be afraid in your hospital bed but don't be sad cause beside you sit your mom and dad. I pray to god "might yo…
letzter Beitrag von Pavel, -
Stop it or sö enemys will die immidiately
| erstellt von Dirmiz- 1 Kommentar
- 1,1T Aufrufe
sey caul mi sö breyndogtur sö lösungsfein idsörfs I acamplish sö fridöm Outer hiar yör in se trabbels raight nau Lets get a little spezifikly raight hia I blast sö enemys outta sö wurld My masels worm ya And sey get inhuman brutality nise play outta hia Follow me or sey die
letzter Beitrag von Dichtel (†), -
unhappy ever after
| erstellt von bugmenot- 0 Kommentare
- 777 Aufrufe
unhappy ever after there is so much love to give, but only so little to get. there are so many things i did, that i truly regret. all the things ive seen and done, together with you, purely love & fun. when you looked at me deeply, for the first time, it meant everything to me, that you were mine. it seems feelings were changing for your love, i never saw it coming, like acme anvils from above. shattered fractures of porcelain piercing through my soul, now there you will find just a black hole. as the story repeats with infinite laughter to live long and unhappy ever after. (da es sich um einen reim handelt, ist diesmal leider…
letzter Beitrag von bugmenot, -
Rechievieux mouche boive
| erstellt von Dirmiz- 1 Kommentar
- 841 Aufrufe
1 point boy Le chemise chevailie champion Viche tu le prix chamaxidieus elocetrixe lesex Xami desexieux madixieux Adieux le double.. Fami
letzter Beitrag von Nils, -
Magic moments,
| erstellt von Janeida- 5 Kommentare
- 1,1T Aufrufe
Magic moments, Sometimes, this one special moment climbs. The view, is going through a wonder, to let one´s gaze wander, take the counter of five, the cogwheel is alive. It happens in a fraction of a second, and one more time beyond. A state of uncertainty, to remain silently. Thousand miles of much, fluently a soul touch. Janice Zauberhafter Moment, Manchmal, klettert ein ganz besonderer Moment. Der Blick, geht durch ein Wunder, seine Blicke schweifen zu lassen. Es passiert in einem Bruchteil einer Sekunde, und noch einmal darüber, nimmt den Fünfer-Zähler, das Zahnrad ist am Leben. Ein Schwebezustand, schwei…
letzter Beitrag von Janeida, -
It´s magic
| erstellt von Janeida- 6 Kommentare
- 3T Aufrufe
It´s magic, The magic animals, wishing you "Good Night", laying on your site, saving you tonight, laying on your site. Giving you protection, there is no more action, causing satisfaction. Because they loving yourself, and nobody else, laying on your site, switching off the light, keeping the hate behind. Can´t doing it wild, because you´re a wonderful child. Mama 02.01.2018
letzter Beitrag von Janeida, -
lets just be addicted together…
| erstellt von bugmenot- 7 Kommentare
- 1,8T Aufrufe
lets just be addicted together… lets just be addicted together, looking for syringes in the trash until the next shot. let's get arrested for public drinking and scandals. let’s have sex in an airplane at 10.000 feet, and get caught by the stewardess. let’s travel to countries we never heard of, to find ourselves fighting our way through the infinite jungle. let’s run off, live in the forest and don't answer the phone for a week. let’s get naked and sprint through the park, just because we love each others bodies. let's be the only ones at a children's birthday party dressed up as a witch and a zombie-nazi. let me pick you up on the beach with my royal …
letzter Beitrag von Nils, -
g. over d.
| erstellt von KehrRubinenauge- 2 Kommentare
- 824 Aufrufe
the mafia to the fullest, . . . when the moon light is, . . . . . bitsches die 4 money, . . . . know they was knowen like the kennedy i.d., . . . . . Rubin all the hodds, . . . . my wings cuttin all the woods, . . . . wanne big dig buissnes? , with kingkongs in my trunk..... . . . . . smokin them all get high, . . . . . when rain comes down.... . . . . . . . . . . they all found drunk, . . . . . . magic: Piratship- flag- maps, and a thunder faktory, . . . . . . . . . little cunts call it, . candy, . . . . . . . …
letzter Beitrag von KehrRubinenauge, -
| erstellt von Jenno Casali- 0 Kommentare
- 530 Aufrufe
GLOBALISIERTES I mog di fei saumässisch – Baise-moi - Love me tender – Ya tebya lyublyu - Eu quero fazer amor contigo – Je t’aime – Eg elska thig – Ti amo, ti voglio – Give me this night - Wil je seks met mij ? Schlimmstenfalls versteht es keine Aber meist doch immer eine Und im allerbesten Falle Alle © Jenno Casali
letzter Beitrag von Jenno Casali, -
mi-ni-sters in washington
| erstellt von 1 Kommentar
- 1,2T Aufrufe
What do you want mr. Washington can it be that war was your energy because if you ask me what I would like it to be I’d ask you: is war not an enemy of mankind then after all the blood is shedered what is left behind a woman that cries a child without father and men miss their brother is this the product of your energy? This is the place of state I would like to hate! But if I hate as an ordinary mate I couldnt be better than an angry man I wouldn’t be better than the one who hate and proclamate war please my soul wouldnt be as good before and if th…
letzter Beitrag von Homo_Ingenuus, -
The die is cast
| erstellt von Homo_Ingenuus- 0 Kommentare
- 618 Aufrufe
Abandon the attempt of reversing destiny Longevity won´t be your accomplishment Eloquent instead: the souls of all the dead Ahead their crying forms an endless elegy Infiltrated by alluring voices plighting liberty Air fills your tortured lungs one last time Cesar: upright. But you: crushed down to grime! To ancient gods and newborn infinity Alike vapour you`ll ascend out of misery Eagles hover proudly over the battlefield Scent of winter admonish those who remain Tired they keep sword and leave broken shield
letzter Beitrag von Homo_Ingenuus, -
Hall of mirrors
| erstellt von Homo_Ingenuus- 1 Follower
- 0 Kommentare
- 630 Aufrufe
An old cryptic door lies hidden in the vault for it is a portal to a secret and before you enter you have to halt. You make the decision, there´s no regret cause when you step inside something will wait, mislead and abet. The door recognizes you and it opens wide a breeze of mildew and decay surrounds you and death is now allied. Within slight fog mirrors stand in grey all at once your heart beats fast as antics and masks are fading away. One mirror reflects each fear of the past a baleful stare of thousand eyes you know: until death they will outlast. Another dark surface is filled up with lies deep down there is a little f…
letzter Beitrag von Homo_Ingenuus, -
the art of pessimism
| erstellt von In vino venitas- 2 Kommentare
- 995 Aufrufe
I'm all alone and freezing outside But it seems that I can't stop to hide 'Cause everytime that I have cried Was when my heart was open and wide I tried never to let go of that feeling But my savior was late, too late for a healing She came in my dreams, stopped me kneeling And as she left my heart stopped it's beating With all the blood in my face Angels are leaving a trace Demons are coming to haze My soul when I'm brought to grave I will never forget About any time tehy hurt me, they hurt me I will make them regret In hell we'll be all together I'm still waiting I will never forget The moment my hands held the gun And all t…
letzter Beitrag von In vino venitas, -
What if...?
| erstellt von Homo_Ingenuus- 0 Kommentare
- 521 Aufrufe
What if everything here and there is just the opposite - a put-up affair? What if we finally not live to die, however life is death and truth is lie? What if truth becomes dream instead and all that is behind is now ahead? What if soap-bubbles remain forever and people who are resolute now haver? What if all birds are forced to walk and suddenly the mute one can talk? What if progress turns at once to regress and after the "α" everything is endless? What if noise is the sweetest melody and clowns seem as masters of severity? What if you can fight water with fire and a jute bag is the finest attire? What if all plants grow bottom down and …
letzter Beitrag von Homo_Ingenuus, -
| erstellt von Homo_Ingenuus- 0 Kommentare
- 831 Aufrufe
All the money is marching in cadence agents in black they follow behind aligned are soldiers and weaponry identity suffers and dies on its own! Unknown it reached the highest spot shot by shot our justice is lacerated fated to life a live of lie and lunacy foolery reigns and circles around! Hound and wolf are howling combined blind and mute the rulers will fall call to resistance and shout it out loud shroud by shroud we tear them apart!
letzter Beitrag von Homo_Ingenuus,