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i don't want to know “how you doin” or "what's up",

i wanna know how much sugar you want in your cup.


i wanna talk about the wonders of the earth

and to how many children you wanna give birth.

about the best lies you've ever told,

and how you imagine yourself getting old.

about your flaws and all your quirks,

and how your wacky mind really works.

about how hard you lost your last fight,

and what keeps you up late at night.

about the meaning of life and death,

and what you have to say, before your last breath.

about your ability to laugh about yourself,

and all the books you’ve read in your shelf.

about that weekend you never left the bed,

and all the great adventures that lie ahead.


i wanna talk about the countries you ganna travel the coming years,

about taste, the future, sex, the cosmos and all your deepest fears.

for me, these things are way more lively by far,

cause now i know, who you deeply are.

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