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As I stepped afraid and doomy straight into his messy, gloomy
room that like a chamber tomb extended right behind the door,
there I saw him blandly lying, as some poor old figure dying,
neither crying nor just sighing, lying blandly on the floor.
„Friend, when will you likely stand up from this cold and flinty floor?“
Quoth the raven, „Nevermore.“

Outraged by this evil vowing, not quite certain if allowing
me to think my manifest severe conclusions furthermore
might have been all too impudent. As he seemed to me that prudent
that as if I was his student, he looked rigorously o'er,
I demanded explanation from that teacher looking o'er.
Quoth the raven, „Nevermore.“

„Then henceforth you foolish fires of my reasoning desires!“,
thought I sullen, yet aware and thus resolved hence to ignore.
So I turned to my loved friend in order frankly to attend,
just to mourn and hold his hand yet stronger than I had before,
and I heard, when fondly I caressed his head's hot fevered fore,
heard him muttering „Lenor!“

Grateful was I and inspired by the word he uttered tired
that I focussed merely on a budding question to explore:
Was the raven quite so clever saying nothing more than never?
"Friend, that name will be forever just a wish meant to deplore
and forever will it be a hopeless wish and nothing more."
Quoth the raven, "Nevermore."

Finally by frantic waving that old book I forced the raven
to escape the room when suddenly my friend regained his gore:
"What a dream! A raven beckoned clearly after he'd gone back on
there is reason still to reckon that one day recurs Lenor."
and though unsensibly waiting, yet he's waiting furthermore
with a reason waiting for.

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