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the Old Night

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Geschrieben am

so. nach langer zeit poste ich nun wieder was. hoffe, es gefällt euch! jede art von kritik ist erwünscht!



The Old Night


You're so mean

You destroy all my plans

to make my way to the dawn


You're so wild

You made me tame inside

So I believe you're foregone


You're so careless

Not even devil may care

when you leave me torn


You're a slayer

You wiped your filth on me

like I was a cradle of maul


The night got old

And you got really bold

You kicked me to the ground

Your words were always cold

But they caught me

On the mold


Nightly foray

You blacken your senses

and strap me down to a wall


You are gorgeous

But only in my heart

My head says you need scorn


You're so waveless

You slip through my hands

Slip away until you're gone


You're farther away

The more I try to stay

to see you behind your thralls


The night got old

And you got really bold

You kicked me to the ground

Your words were always cold

But they caught me

On the mold


You're my bliss

But only in my dreams

Beneath me on the floor

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