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Lucia Korn

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In the beginning was the Word......



There´s more to life than this. The earth, sky and universe have much more to offer.

Behind your mind a gift is waiting for you.


Sucking your lips deeply and then feeling that warm sweat in your hands.

Tasting a part of the galaxy.





Lucia Korn.

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  • 1 Monat später...

I just read your poem again, I find it really good.

I learn Russian seven years now, quite a bit more difficult than German! Do you speak Russian? Ti gavarisch pa ruski?

My god, what a lot of languages in the world! 

Anytime you write to me, it's a pleasure for me to answer.

Take care 





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Thank you very much, Carlos.


You answer has made my day!


Continue learning the languages, it is always worth to learn, anyway so much beatiful Russian poetry and books have been written. No,negavarij, but I can understand Russian, because I am speaking Slovak and Czech language, they are all slavic languages - very close to each other. It is one of the best things to do during the covid pandemic - learning languages and also sometimes to write some poetry or story..


хорошего дня - in slovak: pekný deň





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Oh dear Lucia, 

you make me really happy answering me! 

I know, that the languages you speak and Russian very close are, that's why I mentioned my learning of this language.

At my age it is for me a real "Herausforderung", a challenge.

In former times friends of mine (all dead now) lived for a couple of years in the Soviet Union. I also wanted to go there and started learning with a book for Spanish speakers, from Nina Potapowa ... It was too hard for me. 

Now, almost 60 years later, I'm trying to make that dream come true. Ja budu gawarit pa ruski, ja hatschu tschitat Dostojewski, Tolstoi, etc. 

Thanks again dear Lucia.



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