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Blue Lips

Every Year when spring comes back
I can't help it, the sun won't make me shine
When flowers and blue skies are back
I can't help it, I just could cry

When you see me I'm already gone
I can't tell you where I am but it's far away
The sun was lovely as it shone
But I couldn't love it, 'cause its truth wouldn't stay

Deep down in my soul
There is a bloody war
Deep inside me
There is a room with thousands of pictures
Kept silent by war

But for

I paint my lips

Yes, for you
I will paint them
All blue
All for you
All blue for you

And I will leave the house
Only in blue

You know, I don't believe in God
I don't want to trust in what can't be proved
But therefore I will never know the good
Loners like me remain empty, without faith

Blue is the sky
For which I cry
That makes you smile

I will be just as blue
For you

I will only wear blue linen
Only say blue words
And let the weapons rest

There will be
Blue doves flying
Within my chest

But know
I paint my lips blue
Only for you







Bildquelle: https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/blaues-lippenstiftbratenfett-lipgloss-bratenfett-von-den-sexy-lippen-blaue-flüssige-tropfen-auf-schönem-vorbildlichem-130105818.jpg







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