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I don't know, something happens to you.

Can't quite put my finger on it.

Throughout all the years, your worst fears.

Collectively, everything tumbles down.

Flashes before your very eyes.

Cuts all bullshit, rips off  Ego's disguise.


Naked, unabashed, mirror's reflection.

You've seen this a thousand times before, but it is different every single moment recollected. 


Learning, still in the School of Life, how impermanence shapes.

The alchemy, heavy drapes, myriad ways our Souls escape.


Honesty hands character truth.

Practice managing what is true.

Buried secrets fester............ surface, seeking light.

To understand, pour compassion thereon......

gives insight.


You live your life.    You are there.

You do what's best for You.


Grateful to all in the World who care.

Quite a many Heros, Brave ones, trail blazers.


Oh------------life will throw some challenges and adversity---------- that's for sure.

Place you at odds, test every fiber of your being.

Loss is hardest, unforgiving in itself, makes doubt too accessible and fosters disagreeing.

Change, another one of those biggies, one moment sightseeing, next slide you are fleeing.

Back peddling, wanting to turn clocks and years to a better time, alter horrible outcomes.


In the human experience we are served stuff on platters.  Some gold others silver.

Maybe a paper plate and plastic fork or two.

It matters------how and when not to mention the processing---------then.

If you are ready, if you get to where you need to be.


Puzzling, this Rubik's Cube we've been handed.

I've known some to solve any combination.

Me, I'm still figuring things out as I go along.

And so what.............

got my own pace, found that happy, content space, carry the good over ugly, place Love and Peace in all I do, I know where I belong, even suffering and pain contain an upside........they make heartstrong.


Redemption will save the day when least expected.

We are all, in our Humanity, connected.

©Donna H.

May 27, 2022

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Ein interessanter Text liebe Donna, aber sehr persönlich und für einen Außenstehender schwer nachzuvollziehen. Fast wie ein Brief. 

Dies ist keine negative Kritik, denn ich werde neugierig, würde gerne mehr erfahren, um besser mitzukommen.


vor einer Stunde schrieb Donna:

And so what.............

got my own pace, found that happy, content space, carry the good over ugly, place Love and Peace in all I do, I know where I belong, even suffering and pain contain an upside........they make heartstrong.


Redemption will save the day when least expected.

We are all, in our Humanity, connected.


Liebe Donna

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Liebe @Josina,


Bis man zu all der Erkenntnis kommt erstmals..............das Leben ein Paradox, mal banal, dann tiefsinnig.

Und alles zwischendurch.

Solange man immer was positives aus allem herauspicken kann wird was Gutes die Sache erhellen.

Liebe Grüße, Donna

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