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Fairy light flicker of lightening bugs at dusk.

Sound of crickets as they busk.

All around, pollen dust dances

in the last glow of the day.

Hope reaches out like a brilliant ray.

Calm and Peace must stay!


As night rolls in sly and silent...

Why haven't our grievances went?

If only they could be sent where they won't cause anymore grief!

Each moment is but brief.


I ponder and reflect searching for Soul relief.

Finding Gratitude, that grounding, humbling positivity.

The one with a proclivity to create balance and brevity.


Where long difficulties stop in their tracks.

What lacks is left behind; sacks and sacks of it.

Instead, Gratitude tacks everything good to each heart in a fit of encouraging inspiration.

©Donna H.

July 24, 2020


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