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I got you


Sometimes things get harder than you can bear,
because I knew this, my behavior was full of fear.
But because it can't be good for a feeling person,
I had to fight further, to keep my courage going on.

And now I know it is true,
baby baby I got you. 


These times are more than difficult for everyone,
however, they are unbearable for such who living alone. 
So I took my heart and was rewarded, more and more,
the light that guided me, did not deceive me as before.

And now I know it is true, 
baby baby I got you.


It is often said, that you don't have many chances,
especially if you're not young, you don't get any glances.
I can state here that I have refuted this curse,
Everything I now call my own, is of enormous worth.

And now I know it is true, 
baby baby I got you.



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