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Split seconds of joy, viable like a heartbeat, that make life worth living

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Geschrieben am

There are moments 

That are so beautiful 

I wish I could preserve them

Between the pages of an old poetry book

Or hang them

On a corner of a wall

Like roses, like roses, like roses… 

I won’t wish you a happy new year. I wish you a beautifully enriching and enriching-ly beautiful new year, a meaningful new year, filled with meaningful moments, which remind you, how alive you are… with happiness shining through… like sprouts of sunlight, that sparkle between the cracks of a wooden floor. 

  • Gefällt mir 2
  • Schön 2

Cheers, mate! Same to you. Happiness and health and the courage to face life with a smile! May the new year bring you love and dunk you in joy as in a pot of honey... mmmmhhhhh honey

Bests Dietmar aka Pooh the bear😉

  • Danke 1

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