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Sweet (inner) child O‘ mine

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Sweet  inner child of mine

Stars burn and shine as they die

I burn in the black of your eyes

And my lungs are like the two poles 

With a frozen heart floating inside

Tonight I’m putting my pen aside 

I’ll wear white as a sign for peace 

Let’s make peace

Turn off all the lights

I don’t want to see your tears 

Sweet inner child of mine 

I’m scared of this poem

If I were to die on the streets

Would that change the world 

Or would it change you? 

Or are they both one and the same?!

The words which stray on your lips

Flow down my cheeks 

Down the rivers

Down the springs 

Down the perfect painting which is now 

Ruined by the black tears

Of a depressed painting brush 

Smudged all over the place

Like my thoughts all over this text

Like my never ending nightmares

And if you were to live my nightmares

You’d all suicide yourselves day and night 

After being already put in the graves

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