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A lifetime of words left unspoken.

Gone from this earth, we are heartbroken.

Memory is a paltry solace.

Now, thrust into callous darkness.


Deprived of everything that was you.

In this crude abyss of grief we can't undo.

Trapped inside; rivers of tears gush and flow dark.

Each heartbeat is chaffed, hiccups raw and stark.


The days are playing empty, dealing a bad hand.

Our heads droop, feet shuffle, the mind can't understand.

How nothing could save you anymore.

Valiantly fighting eight years, snubbing death's door.


Fierce courage, countless rounds of chemo, we heard you roar.

Stuff that would have thrown most of us to the floor.

Enduring with grace, brave smiles on your weary face.

So patient, showing confidence amidst all the sad turbulence.


Always lifting us up to touch each miracle.

Together we are strong and invincible.


Lasting impressions are what you leave behind.

Though our anguished mourning refuses to unwind.

The pathways you've cleared lead to greener pastures.

Family, Love, and Unity is all that matters.

©Donna H.

February 25, 2024

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