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My man 

You were so sweet, but now is your sweetness just in my memory.

Everything has changed,

Can you give me a second chance?

Realisation takes to long,

You always were among.

But why haven’t I seen you? 


Your smile, I could watch it for a while.

I get lost in your ocean eyes,

Couldn’t only look twice.

I find peace in your words,

I don’t know why but I like nerds.

The way you speak,

Soothes my soul.

My heart is stolen.

Your laugh, as clear as the white feather of a dove.

Healed me inside, healed me outside,

If text you, would you might?


Why I’m writing in simple present? 

That’s all in the past,

Why does time, rush so fast?

It has to be written in a different tense,

Should be written with other hands.


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