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the stars above


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Say hello, dirt,

my old friend

you've been a while away.

Why'd you left,

I wonder where

your bright has gone

now in deepest blue -

is it me

all in vain

you're longing for?

So touch my wounded skin

taint my inner with your lies

strip my soul

I wont deny

you're my flesh and blood.

Foolish, yes I was,

believing I could scrab you off.

So if I die with you,

never as the beggar

asking to be spared.


'Cause to the core

my world has fallen apart,

remembering the loneliness

I wonder where

your pride might be.

My tired eyes

never found

the stars above.


I didn't know

that living has the price

to lose humanity meanwhile

a beggar might survive.



~ June 2015


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