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You can feel my soul, but can you fill my whole?
It's hard to please you and I'm looking for something new.
But is it the real one? Aren't i handsome?
Aren't i enough?
Inside of me its been pretty dark
I am marked by my lonliness
This is my never ending story to find the real glory
And to heal my heart from inside
Can't you hold me tight?
But someday i will shine bright
I will shine bright
I will always be here
and standing in front of the mirror
I don't know who i am 'Cause i can't seem me
I don't know, what i do there 'Cause that's only me
Aren't i enough?
Inside of me its been pretty dark
I am marked by my lonliness
This is my never ending story to find the real glory
And to heal my heart from inside
Can't you hold me tight?
But someday i will shine bright
I will shine bright
Inside of me its been pretty dark
I am marked by my lonliness
This is my never ending story to find the real glory
And to heal my heart from inside
Can't you hold me tight?
but someday i will shine bright
I will shine bright
Now i don't care what you think,
'cause i wasn't myself anymore
I cant afford to love you now
'Cause you want evermore
I am me, and not with you
I am inside this body
i will shine bright
Written mel.zas 07.08.2020
Hallo MelZas,
dein  Text könnte auch ein Songtext sein, gefällt mir gut und habe ich sehr gerne gelesen!
grüßend Freiform
Hallo, ist auch einer. Ich hab lange nichts mehr hochgeladen und hab vergessen wie man das in songtexte einstellt.
Das würde ich gerne machen nur muss ich mich in FL studio reinfuchsen. Einen Beat bauen finde ich persönlich schwieriger als einen Text schreiben.
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