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The Vase

You're coming home
We talk. I don't listen
We debate. I'm annoyed
We argue. I don't care and wait, till you're done with your tirade and we cudd- *shattering sounds*
Something broke and I woke up

I knock
You open the door
I'm in front of you
You're standing in the stairwell,
I'm at the corridor.
Your eyes are filled with anger
Your voice is cracking:" WHAT DO YOU WANT? I've you have anything more to insult me!-"

"My vase broke..."


"Just when you left and slammed the door...
It fell of the shelf.
There are fragments everywhere.
I don't know where I found it, but it was after our second date. From then on it was like a part of me."

" You got the vase at the peddlers market. It's worthless."

"Oh no. It has great value, cause I got it for you"

"You bought a vase for me?...how unselfish of you" Your expression is stone cold

"Oh no, it was extremely selfish of me.
You've told me after we met the first time,  that my apartment is lifeless, cause I didn't have a single flower anywhere.
So I got a vase after our second date, cause you came over more often and with the vase everything was more full of life.
That vase only, brought life itself to my apartment. Without it, everything will be like before..."
Your watching me full of thought, but I continue talking  focused on my vase.
"I just realized, that I didn't put much attention to it and that it had gathered some dust.
I should have given more care. And I should have brought flowers more often.
It would have been easy, but I didn't see.
Other people would just get another vase, but I don't want any vase. I want to keep this vase.
I have experienced a lot with this vase.
I have to confess, that I am probably guilty, that the vase broke in the first place, cause it had a  crack for a while, that I caused.
The crack was long, but it was thin and on the inner side. So you could overlook it, if you didn't pay much attention to it.
So, it's not really your fault, that the vase shattered.
What I really wanted to say from the beginnig is: The Vase is broken and I need your help to repair it, cause I can't do it without you.
You know better how to handle such things and I want to learn it from you, even if I'm clumsy at the beginning. I know I can trust you with the vase, cause you know it as good as I do."
You prevent any further word or thought by kissing me.
You've got a tear on your cheek and I wipe it away.
We walk back inside while you take my hand and start to put the broken pieces back together.
I feel, that the apartment will be full of live again

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