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And everybody wants the same
Just Love, but in a different way
There are two people who love each other
But sitting there alone and thinking about the other
When you are listening, you can hear their soul
Because without the other there will always be this little hole
They are born for each other, but there is this fear
Without it it would be so clear
Its the soul which is connected
But its the heart of the human which protects it
You can see it in their dance
The two can never just be friends

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Liebe @BlackJo,

Wilkommen bei poeten.de!

Tolles Gedicht 🙂

Ich hoffe Du wirst folgende Vorschläge als Ergänzung zu deinem Text ansehen.

Paar Kleinigkeiten:

V2: different

V5: their Soul (their bezieht sich auf den beiden. their: deren Seele

there bedeutet meist dort) 

V10: which   V11: which protects it

V12: their

Die Aussage von "The two" ist stark.

Gefällt mir sehr gut.

Liebe Grüße, Donna

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