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When the wedge of writer's block gets kicked away and words are able to come out and freely play

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The word muses wake me up and insist that I share.

I need my sleep, not jot this stuff down, what do I care?

Must I write ✍️ everything word for word that flits at night in my head?

Nope, but I've squandered a lot of inspiration by not doing so, when glued to bed.


These have been some lean poetic times.

Where neither language gives me decent rhymes.

May the word muses be pleased, they've had their way!  

Disrupted slumber and gave me insomnia's word play.


I pick up each word carefully and examine it.

Like a beachcomber finding treasure, what a happy fit!

Phrases come rushing in, long lost friends paying a visit.

I gush, reminisce and accommodate with wit.


Pulling up chairs, we gather in the exuberant round.

Catching up with one another and thankful for what we have found.

© Donna H.

July 13, 2023

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