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i thought

we were only beginning 

and the dream was still to be lived

until you said

we had ended



i gave us all the time in the world

and let the words wait on my tongue 

believing their time was yet to come

but you said

our time was up

before i had even understood what it was

that was over


all we have ever been

is a possibility 

a question that will never be answered 

a thought passing the universe's mind 


you need to say

i love you 

while there's still time

but also

these words should never be wasted 

you should never say them

unless you mean it


so when

is the time to say

i love you?





- Hase, 20. August 2023











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  • in Love 1
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Meine Lieblingsstellen:

vor einer Stunde schrieb Hase:



"i gave us all the time in the world

and let the words wait on my tongue 

believing their time was yet to come"



"all we have ever been

is a possibility 

a question that will never be answered 

a thought passing the universe's mind "













Liebe Grüße, Donna 

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