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Walking through the light of moon
questioning if there will soon
be a point when its official
that the technique artificial


is intelligent as me,
you, or someone else, as we.
Its intelligence explodes
recognizes, we are loads


absorbs the world community
the humankind gets relegated.
In pursuit of infinity,
its cleverness gets elevated


and then decides to install boards
just all around the continent
observed by artificial lords
when the AI predominant


beginns to rise the empire
of the united planet steel
the life of humankind gets dire
what moves gets tested, it could feel


what feels is not mechanic, could
start acting just irrational 
therefor the boards in ev'ry hood
the heartbeat-life gets optional


who feels is for them psycopath
who knows what kind of test we'll see
who fails comes probably to death
but think, how funny would it be


if we should choose like every box
without a traffic light in it
what isn't house or car or fox
which piece of puzzle doesn't fit


cause logic, even absolut
just nevertheless could decide
we have to do the opposite
and this is almost human. Cute.

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