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When you sing I can look right into your soul,

while cupid is facing his goal.

A big part of my heart belongs to you already, 

I know you wanna be my steady.


You have doubts and can‘t trust,

but if you want me, you must.

Let‘s not waste our precious time,

the past is the past and it is mine.


If we risk it, we are vulnerable, 

but the feeling is simply irreplaceable.

We live in different worlds, 

sometimes facing the truth, it hurts.


It‘s a constant up and down,

I‘m afraid that I could drown.

You just push me away 

and you don‘t believe a word I say. 


You have to learn to trust,

or our love will end up in dust.

It‘s gonna hurt for a little while,

but someday we will be able to smile.


Music is our connection,

it’s like a resurrection.

I wanna look directly into your soul,

because it’s you who my heart stole.

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