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When he was a child

he got this grey backpack

from his parents.

It was weighty and his small shoulders

ached grievously

but he didn't say a single word as he 

was supposed to carry any burden without


From that time on the grey backpack was his constant companion

whereever he went

whatever he did.

Sometimes he almost forgot the heavy load on his sore shoulders but commonly he couldn't walk or move or even jump


But then it happened.

It was July.


all of a sudden


yet somehow alarming.

He met this angel.

She lifted the weight from his back and for a second he realised the possibilities he had missed.

But he didn't dare to kiss her.

He was too shy to touch her hand.

And so she vanished silently.

And there he is.

Still carrying this grey old backpack

now filled with some new stones.


  • Gefällt mir 3

Hei JoHa,


Wieder eine schöne Idee, und wieder wage ich mich nicht so recht ans Korrigieren. Ich bin auch kein Lehrer, sondern habe nur jahrelang an irischen Theken rumgestanden und BBC Television geguckt.

Auf jeden Fall aber: "heavy load". Das zumindest.


Take it easy!



  • Lustig 1
Am 16.12.2024 um 11:17 schrieb JoHa:

When he was a child

he got this grey backpack

from his parents.

It was weighty and his small shoulders

ached grievously

but he didn't say a single word as he 

was supposed to carry any burden without


From that time on the grey backpack was his constant companion

whereever he went

whatever he did.

Sometimes he almost forgot the heavy load on his sore shoulders but commonly he couldn't walk or move or even jump


But then it happened.

It was July.


all of a sudden


yet somehow alarming.

He met this angel.

She lifted the weight from his back and for a second he realised the possibilities he had missed.

But he didn't dare to kiss her.

He was too shy to touch her hand.

And so she vanished silently.

And there he is.

Still carrying this grey old backpack

now filled with some new stones.


Lieber @JoHa, ein schlauer Mensch sagte mir, jeden Morgen stünde man auf und habe die Wahl, welche Steine man in seinem Rucksack mit sich herum schleppen wolle. Man müsse niemals alle Steine auf ewig tragen. Ich suche noch nach (m)einem Weg, wie ich eigenständig entscheide, was in meinem Rucksack bleibt und was nicht oder zumindest nicht ständig. 
Spannendes Thema!


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