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Bachmut, my dear, I promise you this,
I'll return to you, with a heart full of bliss,
I'll walk your streets, so familiar, yet broken,
And embrace you, as if we've never spoken.

We'll cry quietly, healing our wounds,
Rebuild you with stones, plant new chestnut boons,
The roses will bloom, even more beautiful and bright,
And the fountains will flow, with streams of delight.

Your child, Bachmutka, will get back her bridge and toys,
Green elephants and giraffes, for all girls and boys,
On the day of the city, we'll visit your restored cultural center,

We will go through its beautiful steps, 
and foyers and than we’ll enter , 
to his magnificent concert hall to feel the atmosphere in every piece and every meter.

We'll go to the central park, climb the attractions,
Ride the fun slides, and feel the sweet reactions,
We'll indulge in cotton candy, laughing all the while,
Forgetting the bad things, and cherishing every mile.

In the evening, we'll run to your beautiful stadium,
Where Serdyuchka or Jamala will perform with freedom,
We'll watch the fireworks show, in your honor and delight,
You'll no longer be afraid of the bangs, I'll hold you tight.

Bachmut, it's been so long since we've seen each other,
You've appeared in my dreams, like a long-lost lover,
You look slightly older, but your soul is warm and true,
You've become more soulful, and even more real too.

The air is so wide, and the sweetness deeper, 
You're with me forever, Bachmut, a part of my meter,
My favorite Alma Mater, forever you'll be,
Bachmut, my dear, you mean the world to me.

IngVer, 2023©️💙💛

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