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After all

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Gedacht für ein EBM Stück
"After all"
If our visions came alive
would they want to punish us?
If our visions came alive
what would they say?
All of us share one idea
of something being out there
call it soul reason or god
it doesn't matter at all
just a simple mean to survive
the chance of being nothing special
after all.
If our visions came alive
would they want to punish us?
If our visions came alive
what would they say?
We pray for rememberance
in order to forget ourselves
why must we be so hateful
while it's love we seek of all
just another way we beg for mercy
I'd wish someone would hear
after all.
If our visions came alive
would they want to punish us?
(shout: All our visions come alive!)
If our visions came alive
what would they say?
Here's something to all of us
how sad is it we fight over
how to call that thing we seek?
While we pretend to help another
just mistaking sex for love
dying empty cold and all alone
after all
If our visions came alive
would they want to punish us?
If our visions came alive
what would they say?
If our visions came alive
would they want to punish us?
If our visions came alive
what would they say?
After all...
also joot ich versuchs mal... also:
If our visions came alive <--- visions (will) come true
would they want to punish us? <---- will/would they punish us
If our visions came alive <--- s. zeile1
what would they say? <---- visionen können reden? dann ehr sowas wie " what would they tell us?"
All of us share one idea
of something being out there <--- of something that's out there
call it soul reason or god
it doesn't matter at all
just a simple mean to survive <--- verstehe ich nicht
the chance of being nothing special <--- also da lese ich "die chance, nichts besonderes zu sein" ... macht zunächst mal keinen sinn iwie.
after all.
If our visions came alive <------ s.o. ...
would they want to punish us?
If our visions came alive
what would they say?
We pray for rememberance
in order to forget ourselves
why must we be so hateful <--- würde man so nicht schreiben .. ehr "why do we have to be so hatefull?"
while it's love we seek of all <--- 'while love is what we seek at all' oder 'while love is all we seek' wobei seek in dem zusammenhang ehr unpassend ist... da würde man ehr auf '... looking for .. ' zurückgreifen.
just another way we beg for mercy
I'd wish someone would hear <--- I .. nicht i'd ... und "hear" was? definition fehlt
after all.
If our visions came alive <--- s.o.
would they want to punish us?
(shout: All our visions come alive!) <--- s.o.
If our visions came alive <--- s.o.
what would they say?
Here's something to all of us <--- ich vermute das soll soviel heissen wie "das hier geht an alle..." dann ehr sowas wie "this goes out to all of us/you"
how sad is it we fight over <----------|
how to call that thing we seek? <-----|-- verstehe ich alle vier ganich
While we pretend to help another <--|
just mistaking sex for love <---------|
dying empty cold and all alone <--- ohne all ... mmh ehr unglückliche satzkonstruktion
after all
If our visions came alive <------ s.o.
would they want to punish us?
If our visions came alive
what would they say?
If our visions came alive <------ s.o.
would they want to punish us?
If our visions came alive
what would they say?
After all...
also ganz im ernst ... da sind so viele, fiese grammatik - und zeitformenfehler drin, dass ich mehr net korrigieren konnte, weil mans einfach echt überhaubt nich versteht ... vllt. wär ne deutsche sinngemäße übersetzung mal ganz hilfreich, um überhaubt zu begreifen, was du da sagen willst.
oder du beschäftigst dich erst nochn bisl mit dem englischen und schreibst ihn dann nochmal neu ... so würd ich ihn jedenfalls für einen song nicht verwenden.
sry für die harten worte...
lg jörn
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