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Aimless Dreams

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Aimless Dreams
He’s roaming through foggy streets, in every puddle her face is shining
But on these skinny streets he’s got to hike, although they are a-winding
On every appearing ghost he is trying to treat
He hands her a poem and discovers that she can’t read
A mysterious man hands him a bleeding rose
Raindrops and tears are running down his nose
Behind the gate there are gypsy couples dancing
Flames are revolving the place where he’s standing
Due to the endless roaming his suit is pretty scuffed
He wishes that her bed was the place where he’d lost the cuffs
He imagines walking with her down the arcade
But that thought shivers into a beat-up shade
When he gazes into the mirror, she’s appearing with her saint-like face
Then he turns his head and realizes that it’s much to late
He is freezing because his apartment is so bare
He still feels her soul existing everywhere
He sits on a wooden chair in that empty room
The white walls are grimly reflecting his loving gloom
He writes fading lines in the electrified air
And the ceiling waves like her silky hair
At dawn he walks deliberately down to the awaking harbour
He sees drunken sailors coming out of the old bar parlour
He charters on a ship and just hardly remembers her face
And her graceful hair he doesn’t see in the waves
Da meine Englischkenntnisse leider sehr begrenzt sind, hoffe ich, dass der Text sprachlich kein zu großes Verbrechen ist. Allerdings kann ich mich auch irgendwie nicht durchringen, deutsche Musik zumachen.

Naja - still got the blues,
lg jools
Das finde ich an mir auch komisch, ich höre lieber englische songs, mag aber keine englischen Gedichte.
Liebe Grüße
die Kleine Bärin
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