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Feedback jeder Art Any City

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Bustle of the city beginning.
Sun barely up, already grinning.
Flurry of pigeons takes flight.
The blemished statues they leave behind, a splotchy sight.
Heart of town still silent of footsteps.
Sputtering cars wagering the days' bets.
Off to work, school, or cruising.
How many Souls searching, while Ego's bruising?
Most stores shuttered to the public at this early hour.
A short sky shower douses smogs acrid power.
The day gets on with its business.
Life is creating Kismet, sorting through societies mess.
A group of rental boats bob and jostle choppy waters; the river's in upheaval.
Although this has approval of the gulls.
They find lots pushed to the surface of angry currents.
Whatever negativity dulls, nature's finest shines.
Out for a stroll, walkway parallel, two asphalted lines flanking each side.
A few dedicated mountain bikers ride.
Hard and fast.
Who will finish first?
Who will finish last?
Letting the moment hang.
Catching beautiful song the heart once sang.
©Donna H.
May 26, 2021

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