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Feedback jeder Art At the end of the day (April 2021)

Hier gelten keine Vorgaben mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Forenregeln.
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Laura Marie

Do you ever feel like a stranger in the dark?
You try to find a light, but it seems so hard
You stumble over all the stones lying in your way
And your motivation dwindles day by day
Do you ever feel like you’re talking in a language nobody speaks?
Under your skin you bear invisible scars nobody sees
Slowly you withdraw from the world, but nobody recognizes
You’re not the girl you used to be, but nobody realizes
Do you ever lose faith in the good in humanity?
You’ve already noticed our world is filled with gloom and negativity
No matter what you have in mind, you’ll never be tolerated
But think of those who cheer you up when you’re devastated
They’re gonna comfort you and show you the way
And at the end of the day, it’s gonna be okay
Remember they’re always gonna be by your side
And at the end of the night, you’re gonna be alright
Do you ever observe your dreams wipe out?
You’re so sorrowful and you can’t help crying out loud
Riding out the storm seems impossible for you
You’re bound to lose it all, ‘cause you can’t get through
Do you ever feel like the world was ending?
You feel like a failure and you’re tired of pretending
Tired of pretending to be someone you’re not
Being here is much harder than you thought
Do you ever wish you didn’t exist?
Here’s too much negativity you cannot resist
You can’t keep control of your feelings at all
But think of the people who catch you when you fall
“Don’t lose hope, you can do this”, they’re gonna say
And at the end of the day, it’s gonna be okay
They’re gonna help you win every fight
And at the end of the night, you’re gonna be alright
Do you ever cry in the shower like a freak?
You feel the tears streaming down your cheek
You wish your nightmares finally drew to a close
You keep running, but you can’t escape all the shadows
Do you ever fight battles nobody knows about?
You can’t cope with your insecurities and self-doubt
You remain silent so that they don’t reveal the truth
You hide your struggles so that nobody knows about your hopeless youth
Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough?
You go through anxiety and all that stuff
You’re waiting for the next lows to arrive
But think of your loved ones who make up your life
They’re gonna make sure all your struggles will fade away
And at the end of the day, it’s gonna be okay
In the dark they’re gonna turn on the light
And at the end of the night, you’re gonna be alright
They will help you out of this terrible phase
And turn those horrible times into amazing days
Your full recovery might take a while
But in the end, they will give you back your smile
If you keep fighting, you’ll be stronger than you believe
So don’t give up, there’s so much you can achieve
If you don’t lose faith, you can get everything you need
Always be true to who you are and you will succeed
It will take you some time to find your way home
But keep in mind, wherever you go, you’re not alone
If you just move on, you can climb a ladder up to the sun
If you never give up, anything can be done
At the end of the day, it’s gonna be okay
At the end of the night, you’re gonna be alright
Hallo Laura,
sehr interessant dein Gedicht...
Das lyrische Ich beklagt sich und Stimmen, wie aus einem unsichtbaren Chor trösten es.
Es hört sich fast wie ein Gebet in einer Kathedrale an.
Sehr beeindruckend.
Liebe Grüße
Hello Laura,  Wow!  What a poem!  The raw pain, feeling invisible......unheard.  Being overwhelmed, but fighting your way back. With support; hope.  Positive encouragement. It's hard to be vulnerable and sometimes unsafe. Yet art saves. And yes---  writing is an art form, though some who do not write think we "just string words along.". Poetry is so much more than the written. It is lived wisdom, advice, a lifeline, an outlet, a suggestion, a learning experience, cathartic, pure enjoyment to read and beyond. Thanks for your inspiring poem!  Sincerely,  Donna
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