Ich bin noch recht neu hier und weiß nicht, ob man hier auch Englische Texte veröffentlichen kann. Aber wenn nicht hoffe ich, ihr könnt mir verzeihen.
When summer left, the heavens cried
And the plants caught a disease
I had to watch as nature died
Leaving only naked trees
I had to see the world turn grey
When the colors left as well
My emotions slowly fade away
Leaving behind an empty shell
The days get short, the nights grow long
And with the darkness come bad thoughts
My mind sings melancholic songs
About the battles I have fought
In countless battles have I been
Against anxieties and fears
But for every battle that I win
I still shed many tears
When the world shows me it's teeth
And tries to swallow me up whole
Then only solitude brings peace
To my anxious autumn soul
Ich bin noch recht neu hier und weiß nicht, ob man hier auch Englische Texte veröffentlichen kann. Aber wenn nicht hoffe ich, ihr könnt mir verzeihen.
When summer left, the heavens cried
And the plants caught a disease
I had to watch as nature died
Leaving only naked trees
I had to see the world turn grey
When the colors left as well
My emotions slowly fade away
Leaving behind an empty shell
The days get short, the nights grow long
And with the darkness come bad thoughts
My mind sings melancholic songs
About the battles I have fought
In countless battles have I been
Against anxieties and fears
But for every battle that I win
I still shed many tears
When the world shows me it's teeth
And tries to swallow me up whole
Then only solitude brings peace
To my anxious autumn soul