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Feedback jeder Art becoming prey

Hier gelten keine Vorgaben mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Forenregeln.
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The night closes in and clouds block the stars.
She lies in the darkness tracing her scars.
The old wounds of his words open and bleed.
Pain leads to resentment, hate plants a seed .
She waits to hear the living room floorboards creak.
Sneaking home, of booze and women he'll reek.
Her teetering mind slips and falls off the brink.
A steady drip, drip from the kitchen sink.
The clock strikes the hour as his hands, strict.
Every time her forgiveness he has tricked.
Now darkness has risen, it must be done.
Never again will she retreat nor run.
The dog she's kept quiet, hungry for flesh
cracked ribs aching, bruised face, ragged breath
the one he repeatedly kicks, is now sent
racing to the front door, snarling and hell-bent.
Who claims words don't bite skin that's resolute?
Both silence and noise can execute.
Language, the beast we've trained to pick up the scent
show words, like actions have their consequence.
© Donna H.
August 13, 2023
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