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Nur Kommentar Bullets (Wishful Thinking...)

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No matter how shiny
No matter how small
There's only one purpose
To make a man fall.

No matter the reason
No matter the aim
There's only one purpose
A life is to claim.

No matter the colour
No matter the race
There's only one purpose
Which is, to erase.

The bullets keep flying
Without any need
For that only purpose
To make mankind bleed.

If all the men's bullets
Would turn into birds
To carry a message
All over this world

Then finally bullets
Would no longer do harm
And LOVE would be purpose
And our only arm
Hallo Aileas,
schöne Gedanken doch die Frage die sich dabei stellt -
wo nähmen wir dann nur das viele Vogelfutter her?

LG Uschi
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