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Feedback jeder Art Don`t fear the reaper

Hier gelten keine Vorgaben mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Forenregeln.
  • Jan Fischer
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I once had an experience
i never could imagine as possible before
a physically dead person i loved
sent me a message from above
the first fact was i could let her go afterwards
the second one was even more valuable for me
she helped me losing fears from death
her message was
i love you
don`t worry
pain has gone
it`s beautiful up here
i`m proud of you
have no fear
i returned to where i came from
when our bodies die
our souls will rise
heaven is real
so enjoy life
but also enjoy death
there will be no end
but a return
it will be a new beginning elsewhere
the universe is perfect and full of love and light
don`t fear the reaper
  • Jan Fischer
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