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Feedback jeder Art Eternal Dance

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  • TheRealPlatin
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Eternal Dance

My heart´s gotten fractured
by the aching past
Not sure how long those feelings last
Memories movin´ my body like strings  
A voice in my head incessantly sings
Been lost in an eternal Dance
Trapped, not seeing any chance
To escape, to break free
Doors of Glass, a missing Key
Been lost in an eternal Dance
The Pain is swallowing Me 
Drowning in the open sea
wondering if you can´t see me ?
Crying for help, the shouts falling silent
Loosing faith in the prayers
My mind´s being violent  
Been lost in an eternal Dance
trapped, not seeing any chance
to escape, to break free
Doors of Glas, a missing Key
Been lost in an eternal dance
the pain is swallowing me
Dancing through a field of sorrow
every step, every breath laying heavy on my chest
can´t wait for tomorrow
But when i wake up
My hopes are crumbling to a pile of Dust
Been lost in an eternal Dance
trapped, not seeing any chance
to escape, to break free
The Doors (are) still closed, where is the Key ?
Been lost in an eternal dance
When will you come to save me ?
  • TheRealPlatin
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