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Feedback jeder Art For Fr.Wenzel

Hier gelten keine Vorgaben mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Forenregeln.
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It has been quiet some time
since we had met
and began what became
the last days of your life
and first days of mine as a nurse 
at a place where people with creaking niffy joints
Full of tales and memories, wrapped into brown dressings
come to rest and then retire…
You were so different from me
different opinions, different everything …
But we had to make it work 
We were like  2 strangers
arriving at the opposite ends of the same train, and when the sun went down,
and the sky turned black, 
we’d meet
And I’d pour you a drink 
and you’d tell me about your day 
But When I heard you died
I didn’t exactly know what to do
Doctors say It’s good to sit with your emotions and let yourself feel 
So I did that 
I spent my entire afternoon „sitting“ 
But the more I thought about you ,  
The more tangled I became
In the deep, dark qualms,
Twisted tightly around my ankle 
Dragging me down
Into a swamp of what’s ‘n why‘s
I never asked you what kind of flowers you liked
Why didn’t I?
I never asked about your favourite song 
Why didn’t I?
I forgot to tell you that you’ll be missed
Why.. didn’t I?
I didn’t think it would hurt so much 
The death of a stranger isn’t supposed to hurt so much, right? 
No …
The death of a stranger isn’t supposed to hurt
Like when the doctors tell it’s not going to hurt and then stick a needle into your soft skin … It stings 
The thing is you asked me what kind of music I listen to
About my favourite food
You knew so much About me and I knew 
so little… 
When the sun went down,
and the sky turned black,
We were supposed to meet
I poured you a drink,
You weren’t there to drink it…
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