May you find this night a sleep
filled with dreams of light, so deep
in yourself, that in your soul
growing wings to fly so high,
travel through the shining sky
to the stars and reach the goal.
Recognize itself as free,
as a wonder, just mindblowing,
stardust with an insight knowing
that it was and ever be
tight related with the shimmer
of the stars, that you're the same,
was the same in Big Bang glimmer,
just divided through the name.
To the stars we are related,
were created in the fusion,
burned for eons in their core,
we are stardust, we are more;
Time and space are seperated -
just as us, its an illusion.
In the glimmer of beginning
were we undivided, one,
when, like magic, it begun
with the split to an expanding
universe in seperation;
time and space, infinity
as the structure of existense.
Through the cause of emanation
rose the yearning, thriving, mind,
full in flames, divided, blind
as a shiver to experience;
Love and spirit, destiny,
Find the unit, that it was,
that it is, life is a station,
leds us through the pain of loss
to a being, satisfied,
leds us to illumination.
May these words become the light
when you're dreaming and the noise
in your heart, my whisp'ring voice
in the silence of the night.
Fulfilling the infinity,
Throughliving the eternaty,
A question's burning, who are we?
Look, even what we can not see;
the world, the stars, the dark, the light,
what happened and what will be done,
the universe, Tat Twam Asi,
that all is us, for ever one!
I wish you dreams of joy tonight.
filled with dreams of light, so deep
in yourself, that in your soul
growing wings to fly so high,
travel through the shining sky
to the stars and reach the goal.
Recognize itself as free,
as a wonder, just mindblowing,
stardust with an insight knowing
that it was and ever be
tight related with the shimmer
of the stars, that you're the same,
was the same in Big Bang glimmer,
just divided through the name.
To the stars we are related,
were created in the fusion,
burned for eons in their core,
we are stardust, we are more;
Time and space are seperated -
just as us, its an illusion.
In the glimmer of beginning
were we undivided, one,
when, like magic, it begun
with the split to an expanding
universe in seperation;
time and space, infinity
as the structure of existense.
Through the cause of emanation
rose the yearning, thriving, mind,
full in flames, divided, blind
as a shiver to experience;
Love and spirit, destiny,
Find the unit, that it was,
that it is, life is a station,
leds us through the pain of loss
to a being, satisfied,
leds us to illumination.
May these words become the light
when you're dreaming and the noise
in your heart, my whisp'ring voice
in the silence of the night.
Fulfilling the infinity,
Throughliving the eternaty,
A question's burning, who are we?
Look, even what we can not see;
the world, the stars, the dark, the light,
what happened and what will be done,
the universe, Tat Twam Asi,
that all is us, for ever one!
I wish you dreams of joy tonight.