There was something about the way that static crackling in the atmosphere made it entirely come rushing back to me.
Beneath a swirl of roiling storm clouds, an intense pressure built, unbearable, like air being sucked out of lungs.
Standing on an arc of stone bridge spanning the river, hard pain hammers fissures from skull to pubic bone.
Adrenaline vibrating along nerve strands, drumming in ears, pulling me into vertigos vortex.
And then...sure, I kept going, kept doing, kept trying to outrun the fates. Till I realized, countless shards, like shattered glass are stuck and continue to cut my soul.
Sweat seeps from pores, cupped hands are shaking, still glued to them this dark box of despair I've been carrying so long now.
So exhausted of dragging all the collected anguish, shame, suffering and torment decades protracted.
I never thought of an ending, in a blink of an eye hurt seizes my heart and hurls it down the canyon.
Here, floating in the watery skin
I am the secret the river keeps within
In it's blackened doorway I sleep
Tears of joy and sadness I weep
And now I do not yearn this foolish quick bitter-sweet eternal release
I should have learned better how to make peace
One final time I look up and catch the last poured gold in my eyecup
As the sunset fractures, reddish orange scatters
Painting the canyons bottom craggy cliffs
Searing them with hieroglyphs
Stories and tales of caution, an explosion of delight
I kiss the winged memory I hold, setting it free to fly, while I sink deep into night
©Donna H.
May 25, 2033
Beneath a swirl of roiling storm clouds, an intense pressure built, unbearable, like air being sucked out of lungs.
Standing on an arc of stone bridge spanning the river, hard pain hammers fissures from skull to pubic bone.
Adrenaline vibrating along nerve strands, drumming in ears, pulling me into vertigos vortex.
And then...sure, I kept going, kept doing, kept trying to outrun the fates. Till I realized, countless shards, like shattered glass are stuck and continue to cut my soul.
Sweat seeps from pores, cupped hands are shaking, still glued to them this dark box of despair I've been carrying so long now.
So exhausted of dragging all the collected anguish, shame, suffering and torment decades protracted.
I never thought of an ending, in a blink of an eye hurt seizes my heart and hurls it down the canyon.
Here, floating in the watery skin
I am the secret the river keeps within
In it's blackened doorway I sleep
Tears of joy and sadness I weep
And now I do not yearn this foolish quick bitter-sweet eternal release
I should have learned better how to make peace
One final time I look up and catch the last poured gold in my eyecup
As the sunset fractures, reddish orange scatters
Painting the canyons bottom craggy cliffs
Searing them with hieroglyphs
Stories and tales of caution, an explosion of delight
I kiss the winged memory I hold, setting it free to fly, while I sink deep into night
©Donna H.
May 25, 2033