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Feedback jeder Art Heart Baloons and Scissors

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  • Lucia Korn
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Lucia Korn

Yeah, you try to catch all of them right in your tiny little bag.
One day you understand you won't gain that love you need.
Yeah, you want to shout on bigfoot with your paper guns.
One day you understand you won't gain that love you need.
Oh wow, you want to fly to Mars with your car.
One day you understand you won't gain that love you need.
Sitting in a baloon floating upwards high into the grey sky.
You will break the bottom with your scissors
and fall down without any injury.
Just that little metal thing falling right on your head
and then you will shout out into the hollow surroudings:
"Is this my fckg battlefield?"
Lucia Korn
  • Lucia Korn
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