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Feedback jeder Art His Legacy

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  • Jackybee
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Will this blackened sky ever brighten?
The load I carry, ever lighten?
I rise with the sun in the east.
Have a heart scraped raw, soul deeply creased.
Settle in the west  beyond the sea.
Even there, I know you guide me.
That brave resolve radiates from your eyes.
I stop questioning all the hard why's.
Your hand lovingly cups a tear-streaked cheek.
I wish this moment could forever speak.
You tell me to be strong and brave.
There's much more than my life to save.
Chin up, know that you're in my midst.
Stay blessed, hopeful and faith-kissed.
Behind clouds, the sun continues to shine.
Be certain, despairs storm, can quiet in time.
Strength and a joyful harvest will arrive.
Within you, my legacy stays alive.
©Donna H.
July 22, 2024
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely poem!
I particularly like: "Your hand lovingly cups a tear-streaked cheek.". Very nice!
Best, Jacques
  • Jackybee
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