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Feedback jeder Art How I found my wife

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  • Joshua Coan
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Joshua Coan

Once upon a time, there was a face-blind woman…
She was not blind, her eyes could see​
And in the Hallway, she found me​
„Come on dear, let´s go home“, she said​
I was suprised, did not expect that​
I followed her into her flat​
A little curious and dread​
From there on now, she treated me fine,​
She treated me good​
She treated me like a housewife should​
She was just surprised my voice had changed​
I sound: „A bit more flat and a little deranged“​
So I went quiet, just said „Okay“​
And not more than „Na“ or „Ne“​
So finally I had my lucky day​
My sorrow´s over and flew away​
Now, no longer do I had to strive​
And that´s the story how I found my wife​
  • Joshua Coan
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