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Textarbeit erwünscht Hurt

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  • Dionysos von Enno
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Ich tat mir heute weh nur um zu wissen ob ich des fühlens noch mächtig bin
Ich tat mir heute weh.
Was wurde nur aus mir, ich habe eine lüge geträumt.
Ich bin bis heute nie echt gewesen und doch weiß ich was echt ist denn ich tat mir heute weh
Nimm mir alles denn ich habe nichts
Ich sitze in einem cafe und tu mir weh
Im radio Hurt von Johnny cash
Ich weiß was echt ist denn ich tat mir heute weh
Vielleicht kann ja der ein oder andere eine eigeninterpretation des Songs hier Posten?
Jassir:  Hurt, Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails 1995
To understand Hurt we need to look first at the album The Downward Spiral. The album is a chronicle of the destruction of a man. A man who gets tired of the world and decides to throw away everything he thinks is holding him back. As he does this, he becomes more "powerful" but also more machine-like. At the end of the album, he has lost almost everything and he has done something unspeakably evil to someone so he attempts suicide, to kill the bad part of him. Hurt is the last song of the album and comes just after the eponymous instrumental The Downward Spiral, that narrates how he shot himself. 
Hurt starts by saying how he hurt himself to see if he still feels. This is because he threw away almost all that made him human. He needs to know if he still relates to at least the most basic human thing: pain. He then uses a drug analogy to symbolize the method of self-destruction he used in the album. It could be interpreted as literal drugs, as religion, as a lover... Then he asks a question: "What have I become?" He looks back at his life and realizes that he became something else, something inhuman. He realizes how pointless his actions were. Then the next verse talks about how in the album he "killed" God, or at least removed him from his life and took His place, not knowing the consequences of his actions. Finally, at the end of the song, he regrets his actions and says that if he was given another chance, he would do it right. 
The whole album was inspired by a period in Trent's life in which he abused drugs and fell in deep depression. The song can be interpreted as the epilogue of the album or can be interpreted as a standalone song, a song about wrong life choices and their consequences.
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  • Dionysos von Enno
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