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Feedback jeder Art I`d never lie to you

Hier gelten keine Vorgaben mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Forenregeln.
  • Jan Fischer
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I`d never lie to you
The human world so limited
but the sky and universe endless
so are our souls
high above it all I`ll meet you
and we will be free
those people who don`t understand
they see me dancing, but they can not hear the eternal music
the call me a liar
but,oh dear, please trust me, I would never lie to you
buried under deep layers of dirt
our self-love lies
this ain`t no egoism, you need to break your own chains first
to be able to help others rise
why do we always prefer to share negative impressions?
it`s because we all lack of love and compassion
free hugs can heal us
they should be everywhere
the more you free yourself
the lonelier you will be
but these friends that remain
are true
trust my words
  • Jan Fischer
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