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Feedback jeder Art Inspiring Valor

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I see glimmers of Hope. Life insists, even under heavy artillery.  A Ukrainian couple, transformed to soldiers, wearing wide grins and brownish camouflage, marry. Surrounded by fellow civilians-turned Warriors just like them. Same military uniforms, raising glasses to love and victory over suppression, out on an open field.  Beneath a drizzling, gloomy, threatening sky.  Celebrating the happy union of their commrade's. 
Another scene pans to a violin solo.  Performed by a fearless young woman in a long, dark formal gown.  Hauntingly beautiful, her melody.  In a basement, for shelter, as if it were a normal day.  Then, a little girl, one blonde braid, bright smiling eyes, singing the Ukraine National Anthem proudly. 
Heroic vignettes, as witnessed on the evening magazine report on T.V. last night.  The next generation of Ukranineans, just born, others for safekeeping in an underground bunker of a hospital.  Heartbreak rides close in this war to miracles and tiny triumphs.  Even Optimism manages to sneak in through a back door someone left open to hand out confidence, assurance, and faith.  To make Peace reign, if only for a short moment in the Hearts precious Place.  
©Donna H.
March 9, 2022
------------------------------------------------Authors Note: I am both awe- struck and amazed by the resilience and bravery the Ukranineans manifest amidst the atrocious war declared upon them.  The song "Titanium" by David Guetta featuring Sia (2011) now sounds differently in my ears.  I imagine it to be their fight song.

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