I wish you would love me
but I only get the ticking of the clock
so I waste the desire for you
i`m wasting the love I want while dancing
I see shadows in your eyes from afar
and tock says hello too
"Hello, open your door".
I must be a Swiss woman
so i buy the most expensive watch
for the most beautiful witch
i wear it under a big black coat
like a thing for a beautiful thing
like i'm the goddess
and i still dance so happy in pain
je fais une assurance d`amour
c'est la garantie de mon amour pour toi

but I only get the ticking of the clock
so I waste the desire for you
i`m wasting the love I want while dancing
I see shadows in your eyes from afar
and tock says hello too
"Hello, open your door".
I must be a Swiss woman
so i buy the most expensive watch
for the most beautiful witch
i wear it under a big black coat
like a thing for a beautiful thing
like i'm the goddess
and i still dance so happy in pain
je fais une assurance d`amour
c'est la garantie de mon amour pour toi