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Feedback jeder Art Leonie´s not coming home

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  • Dionysos von Enno
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Leonie says:
life is but a game.
Come undone
coming down,
all the same.
Leonie says:
Love is like a passing song.
The moment it´s here,
it´s already  gone.
Giving me head
on the old hotel bed,
she smiles and says:
We are all already dead.
And the lights of a passing car
turns her face into  a film noir.
And I swear I saw a deer
as the lightshow hit her
Leonies not coming home.
She´s one
with the badgers and wolfes.
She´s gone
to the radiant pools
of songs and thoughts
of fools and faults
  • Dionysos von Enno
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