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Live my life and feel alone

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I see a lot of butterflies flying in the air
I feel the wind is going down all my hair
I hear voices who say that everybody is ok
I wish I would have the same way
I would like to have that too
As a fact I stay just in my crew
I go that way
take me up and don't let me lay
Refrain (2x):
I live my life and I feel alone
every day i believe my heart has more grown
You can't see it but that's the truth
Wait for a girl to sit with her on a roof
It seems unbelievable but that's the fact
I would like to lie but I can't say that it's incorrect
Lying wasn't and never be my friend
I will be honest until the worlds' end
my friends know that and stand still next to me
It's the real life i get usually to see
I go that way
take me up and don't let me lay
Refrain (2x):
I live my life and I feel alone
every day i believe my heart has more grown
You can't see it but that's the truth
Wait for a girl to sit with her on a roof
This is the story, it comes to an end
it won't be the last, the next comes on a weekend
Followers know they feel the same
Haters you should yourself just shame
Boys have feelings aswell or they won't be a man
That's not the last one, you will hear me again
I go that way
take me up and don't let me lay
Refrain (2x):
I live my life and I feel alone
every day i believe my heart has more grown
You can't see it but that's the truth
Wait for a girl to sit with her on a roof
*Off- englisch hätte etwas besser sein können,ich hoffe ihr verzeiht mir das*
Über Meinungen würde ich mich freuen :wink:
Das einzige und ebenfalls wunderbare was mir dazu
einfiel war folgendes:
Muse Knights of Cydonia (HD)
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