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Feedback jeder Art Lucky Penny at the Bus Stop

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There was something weird about this overcast day.
Dreary and rainy yes, yet very warm.
Not like Fall at all.
I made my way to the local bus stop.
Wind tugging at opened umbrella that I'm clutching.
The elements are strong fighting to snatch it.
As I step onto the bus stop shelter elevated at curb height an odd pairing is stuck to dirty concrete.
Although tall trees in the vicinity swish furiously 
being shook up, the brown dried leaf, a cigarette butt, and a shiny copper lucky penny go nowhere.
Parchment paper-like veined  leaf  as if glued to the stained ground. 
I don't know......a tangible moment my poetic heart found picture worthy. 
Would Andy Warhol have painted this modern outdoor still life?
Not exactly captivating.
But there's a message I'm sure.
I didn't touch the good luck penny.
I never do.
I leave it for the next person to discover and get some luck too.
© Donna H.
October 13, 2022
Good morning dear Donna, 
ich finde es gut, dass du den Glückspfennig nicht, nie anrührst, dass du ihn für andere glückliche Finder zurück lässt. 
Böische Winde sind gefährlich für einen ☂️ 
A beautiful poem.
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