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mi-ni-sters in washington

  • Homo_Ingenuus
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What do you want mr. Washington
can it be
that war was your energy
because if you ask me
what I would
like it to be
I’d ask you: is war not an enemy
of mankind
then after all the blood is shedered
what is left behind
a woman that cries
a child without father
and men miss their brother
is this the product of your energy?
This is
the place of state
I would like to hate!
But if I hate
as an ordinary mate
I couldnt be better than an angry man
I wouldn’t be better than
the one who hate
and proclamate
please my soul wouldnt be as good before
and if the soul is not as good before
blood and brothers infront the door
war is to kill
and what is left is a hill
of skulls and bones
of men of thrones
of kings and crowns
for what practice this could be
all for the presure of men with their money
is life so serious and not that funny
that you command
on an council stand
So mr. Washington do you see
(I have to ask you polite and kindly
if war was the key to your energy)
war is not a good thing to be
then war is hate
and if you hate
you dont love
and all all above
is war
the place of state
as it was before
love is the place of state
I would wish to be…
so please dont make
me a hate
and before it is to late
ask your mind
what you tolerate
and what is the key
hate or love
Well, as this poem is written in english, my comment also will be in english

There are some little spelling mistakes, like "presure", "mr. president"... pressure and Mr. President

The message is loud and clear. I wish everyone would rise the voice and ask those questions day by day.
I like your poem

  • Homo_Ingenuus
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