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Minefield Walk

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Minefield Walk

Sun shines through Windows - I start yawning,
the birds are singing - just another lone morning.
The Sky is blue and no clouds to see,
I go to the Kitchen to boil me a tea.
All dailly routines passing my mind,
breakfast, washing, and always be kind.
Thats how the morning should begin,
but my morning starts with violence and sin.
I turn on the TV and what do I see,
Soldiers shooting People - that should not be.
Childrens which lost their legs by a mine,
that should not be and a mother starts to cry.
I go to the Kitchen - start boiling a tea,
The Pictures of War stand always by me.
Soldiers, Rockets, Mine's and Guns,
over a Minefield another Child runs.
I drink my tea and see it clear,
those poor little children are living in fear.
Every Day could be their last,
their lives are over just with a blast.
All politics just sit there and talk,
but they never done a minefield walk.
They always stay in their well guarded room,
and on the minefield another Child walks.. BOOM.
I wish for all the people in charge,
with their Armies brutaly and large.
They will change their hollow talk,
if they survive a minefield walk.
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