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Never give up on Hope

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It's just few days ago that i saw you,
you were fine and we spent some time.
I played for you some melodys on my guitar
and you watched so excited on my fingers.
I'm loving how cute you do your thing
and when i played my guitar how you tryed to sing.
I loved how you kissed yourself in the mirror,
after your birth i started to see my life clearer.
Now i can't believe that you got sick
and i watch how the clock make tick tack tick.
I'm feeling so useless cause i'm not be able
to do something except to sit at your hospital table.
You must be afraid in your hospital bed but don't be sad
cause beside you sit your mom and dad.
I pray to god "might you please cure his disease?"
He's too young to go so please let his lights glow!
He should does his adventures
with his own choosen members.
I will never give up on hope
cause the end comes if the end stays
When your time get so hard
that you lose your faith in god.
Search at a place where you find silence
and don't waste your time in violence.
Be strong for the one you loved
stay along with the once you love.
They deserves all your reserves.
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