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Feedback jeder Art Not good enough (Mai 2022)

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Laura Marie

Am I not pretty enough?
I fall apart when I look at my reflection
I won’t ever manage to smile or laugh
All I can see is melancholy and dissatisfaction
Am I too shy?
I cannot see the stars at night
My world is crumbling, I begin to cry
Only battles against myself I have to fight
Am I too introvert?
So much is hidden under my skin
I have so much to say, but I won’t be heard
I know, I just don’t fit in
Am I not strong enough?
I’m full of invisible wounds no one can mend
I’m falling apart, even breathing is tough
If only anybody could understand
Am I too emotional?
My life consists of shame and fear
I’m nothing but a devastated individual
So, I break down and shed a tear
Am I too sensitive?
I’m used to pretending I’m okay
But my joy has turned into something negative
And it feels like I’m fading away
Am I not good enough?
Nothing’s like it used to be
I only feel desperation and all that stuff
Something must be wrong with me
Am I too unlikeable?
To the world I’m a stranger in the dark
My deep sorrow is indescribable
There’s nothing left but a broken heart
Am I too different?
I’m thinking about all that I’ve been through
Sometimes it feels like it’s the end
I just hate the person I’ve turned into
Hallo @laura_168_,
Schön dich wieder zu lesen!
Welcome back!
Lyrisches Ich hadert stark mit sich.
So many questions!  
Ich würde LI raten täglich all die Segen im Leben aufzuzählen.  Die positiven Dinge sehen um das negative zu verscheuchen.
Whatever you are going through, you will get past this. And become stronger.
Wenn Du Dir selbst vertraust und an Dich selbst glaubst, egal was kommt, wirst Du zu dir zurückfinden.  Always believe in yourself!
Sehr gut eingefangen, die Zweifel an sich und Emotionales aufgewühlt sein und dementsprechend in Wörter verkleidet.
Liebe Grüße, Donna
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